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*Dan's POV*

"I don't want to go back there, Phil," I whispered, brushing the hair out of his face. The bed creaked as he rolled over and rubbed his eyes.

"I mean, you can stay here, but don't you want your stuff?" he asked, voice husky from sleep.

"Yeah...will you come with me?"

"Yes, of course." 

"Okay. Get ready then," I yawned, pulling my boxers and jeans on, then my sweater. "Can I borrow your straightener?"

"Yeah it's in here," Phil mumbled, stumbling to the bathroom groggily. I stepped into the room and plugged it into the wall. Phil splashed some water onto his face and cleaned his piercings.

I put down the flat iron once I was finished and grabbed my flower crown, slipped on my shoes and waited at the door. "Phil, are you almost done?"

He strolled into the room in a tight black shirt, black skinnys and combat boots. "Do you need a coat or something?"

I shrugged, tapping my foot on the hardwood. He tossed me his leather jacket and opened the door. 

"Don't you need one?"

"I'll be fine. I've got thick skin," he shrugged.


I opened the flat door and stepped in carefully. Everything was quiet.

I looked around the kitchen. Plates were broken on the floor alongside shattered glasses, flipped chairs and an overturned table. Phil whistled and I heard a rustle from downstairs.

A disgruntled looking PJ bounded up the stairs. "Dan!!"

Phil stepped in front of me and I wrapped my arms around his waist, peeking around his side.

"Don't even think about it, you bastard." Phil growled at him. 

PJ frowned and sighed. "Take what you must, I expect you have some things you want."

I slipped my hand into Phil's and led him to my room, stuffing some clothes, shoes, and other important items into my suitcase. My sketchpad, flower crowns, uni degree in graphic design, etc.

"You all ready?" Phil asked. I nodded and headed to the kitchen, where PJ was fixing himself some tea with one of the not broken mugs.

"Dan," he mumbled, "Could we talk? In...private?" He tapped his fingers against the cup anxiously.

"Whatever you have to say you can say right here." I responded sternly, making PJ cower and pout. 

"I'm sorry, Dan. For what I did. It wasn't morally, physically, or physiologically okay, and I get that now. Could you forgive me?"

"You fucking RAPED ME!"

"Not technically-"

"Okay, then...sexual harassment -- but it doesn't matter! I didn't consent to what you did, I said no, and you continued anyways! You knew I didn't like you like that, PJ!"

He looked at his feet in shame. "I-I love you, Dan."

"Yeah, well, I love Phil, so, there's that." I bit, opening the flat door. "Nice knowing you. I hope you find a guy who doesn't mind being half bitten to death for pleasure. Goodbye, PJ."

He nodded solemnly and walked out of the room. I stepped out and let Phil close the door behind us.

"Wow, Dan. That was amazing, I'm so proud of you." He kissed the top of my head and smiled, beaming with pride.

I nodded and smiled back, poking his nose and running towards his flat, dragging my suitcase behind me. Phil soon caught up, panting and hugging me from behind.

"Can we get a newspaper quick?"

"What are you? 60?"

"Shut up." He laughed.

He grabbed a paper and I noticed his face pale. "What happened?"

"Parents killed in freak car accident. 29 year old Parker and Winnie Wambold were killed in a car accident late Thursday night. Apparently it was a head-on collision, and they both were killed instantly." Phil breathed.

"That's it?" I asked.

"I knew them. They had kids. They had two, Elsie and Chipper. They were..." He choked on a sob and I hugged him tight, rubbing his back softly.

"They're going to be okay."

"They were the perfect parents, Dan," he sniffled. "They took the kids to the park e-every morning. I wish I would have g-gotten to know them."

"Let's get back to the flat and we can talk about it more there, okay?"

He nodded. "O-Okay."


two more chapters !!

i hope you're excited!

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love you all <3

tattøøs and cøffee beans // phan pastel x punk - cømpleted ✅Where stories live. Discover now