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*Phil's POV*

I couldn't believe it. 

That cute little pastel -- his name was Dan -- came in everyday; and just to see me, it seemed. 

He would walk in around 7:35 every morning, order a medium caramel frappuccino with three pumps of vanilla, then sit and chat with me until about 7:45. Why exactly I couldn't tell, but I wasn't complaining. He was actually really, really cute. 

The again, he wasn't the only one setting a pattern. Every morning when I'd head off to work, I would walk by the family at the playground. I had learned that there was a girl and a boy. Elsie was 6 and Chipper was 4. Elsie has just started primary school and was currently loving playtime -- her favourite toy was a small piano. The parents names were Parker and Winnie, and they were both 29; apparently Elsie was a happy mistake at 23. I really wanted to talk to them, but didn't have the courage. They seemed like really nice people, but I just couldn't. What if they thought I was a stalker or something? I wouldn't know what to do.


The door chimed and I looked up, catching Dan's gaze and smiling. "I'll start your order."

I made his coffee and handed it to him, accepted the pounds and strolled back over to where he was sitting. "So, how's Danny  today?"

He looked up from his coffee. "I told you not to call me that."

"What's the big deal?" I smirked, grinning smugly. 

He sighed. "Just, bad memories. My dad," Dan took a heavy breath, "he used to call me that. But, after I came out... well...that didn't really work out too well. He kicked me out when I was 16. The only person I had was my best friend PJ, who took me in with his family. He had come out about a year prior and his parents accepted him, so they let me stay with them until I could get on my feet."

I looked down. "Oh, I-I'm sorry."

Dan looked up with a weak smile. "Don't worry, you didn't know." I returned it and he looked at his watch. "I should get going. Nice talking to you, Phil."

I nodded. "Hey, could I maybe get your number? So we can talk even when you're not here?"

I saw his face brighten. "Sure!"

I handed him my phone and he typed in his digits. "Here ya go!"

"Thanks!" I responded. He nodded and walked out, and I grabbed my phone immediately after.


hey! this is phil :p


omg you didn't have to text me right away. 


why? do you not like me or something :(


of course i like you, why else would i have given you my number?


idk, other purposes? ;)


i'm blocking you now




I was just finished wiping off the shop's mugs when the bell above the door chimed. "Sorry, we're closed."

"I need to talk to you, Phil." the man spat. I looked up in confusion. 

"Do I know you?"

"You stay away from Dan, you hear me?"

I furrowed my brows. "W-why?"

"Because he's mine, dipshit. That's why."


follow me on:

snapchat: imahowlter


-phan blog: lovefromhowelllester

-personal blog: imreallygayforyou

instagram: lovefromhowelllester

tattøøs and cøffee beans // phan pastel x punk - cømpleted ✅Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz