t h r e e

968 45 57

*Dan's POV*

I shrugged my pack over my shoulder, slipping my phone into my back pocket and opening the door. "I'm goin' to work Peej."

"Okay, have a super fantastic lovely day!" He called back, waving a hand out of the bathroom.

I chuckled and shut the door behind me, walking to the elevator. The winter season was approaching quickly, so I had appropriately dressed in a too-big coral jumper, black skinnies, black converse and lavender flower crown. Coffee was calling my name, so I started walking to the nearest coffee shop in my area. 


I pushed the door open and looked around, smiling at the happy couples enjoying their muffins and drinks. The room smelled of candles and baked goods, coffee grounds swirling around, mixing in nicely with the scent. I stepped up to the counter and glanced at the menu before looking down and meeting eyes with a beautiful pair of ice ones. The man dropped the cup of coffee he was holding and broke eye contact, cursing slightly to himself before looking back up. "Sorry about that." 

I smiled warmly, giggling slightly at his clumsiness. "It's no big deal. That wasn't mine anyways."

"Speaking of, what would you like...?"

"Dan." I answered. "Dan Howell."

"Nice to mean you Dan Dan Howell." he laughed, obviously pleased with his own joke. I rolled my eyes playfully and sighed. "I'll have a caramel frappaccino with three pumps of vanilla, please."

"Coming right up." he responded, grabbing another cup and filling it at the machine. I counted, 1, 2, 3 pumps of vanilla. Nice -- most people only gave two. Huh. 

"Here you are!" he beamed, handing it to me. Our hands brushed as I took the cup and I felt my cheeks heat up, his also turning a bit pink. "That will be 4.33 pounds please." (I don't have the pound sign on my keyboard pity me)

I gave him a 5 pound note and recieved change, smiling before exiting the shop, turning once more to see him again from behind the window. He looked quite punky, more than I would expect to work at a coffee shop. But hey, don't judge a book by it's cover, right?


I looked at the counter and felt my breath hitch. I had just gotten to work for my shift, and had a tattoo scheduled for 9:30. Was it already that late?

But it wasn't that that had made me worried.

It was coffee boy.

I scrambled around and organized my needles and ink bottles, making the chair look as comfortable as possible.

He walked over and I noticed his face light up a bit when his eyes caught mine, smiling wide. "Hello stranger." he said, sitting down.

"Hello." I laughed, fiddling with my fingers. "Okay, let's get down to business. I never got your name?"

"Phil Lester."

"Amazing. Now, what kind of tattoo are you looking for?"

"I want a Mario mushroom on my upper left chest."

I blinked slightly, confused by his odd request. "Are you sure?"


I nodded and spun to my drawing board, sketching out a small mushroom and turning back to him. "I'm gonna need you to, um-"

"Yep." he replied, pulling his shirt off quickly and laying it over the arm of the chair. I blushed at his exposed skin. Dan, calm your balls.

"Okay, you ready?" I asked, pressing the design to his chest and rubbing it slightly, then pulling off the back. 

"As I'll ever be."

I grabbed my tattooing needle and dipped it into the red, placing it over the top of the drawing and beginning to ink.

tattøøs and cøffee beans // phan pastel x punk - cømpleted ✅Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat