*Erin's POV*

"You're just too cute, Erin", Said Mark said and hugged me, I never felt so safe in someone's arms... "S- sir, could I go with you...? I don't want you to go there alone... I'll protect you from my mother" I say while trying to ignore his warm hug, even tho deep inside I was so happy from it. "Yes, but you'll have to stay next to me at all time If something happens scream for me and I'll come for you." I blushed.




 I never actually came out to my parents but I always knew I'm gay, girls never really made me feel anything and I always looked at the cute guys in my class... Mark told me to stay next to him again and I respond with a small nod "Yes sir", he smiled and patted my head, "good boy"

these two words make me feel weird... I don't understand why... But it supplies me the determination to keep doing whatever I'm doing and being a good boy.

The rest of the ride I gazed out the window, "I've never been in a limousine before..." I whispered while looking at the man next to me. he picked me up lightly and put me on his lap, "Get used to it then" he paused, "If you're staying with me, you will drive it to school."
'Oh lord... why are you doing this to me?' I looked startled at him and he smiled again playfully. "S- sir..." I glanced out the window and saw that we were already at my place, "Let's go, and remember. call me if anyone appears." He said and I jumped off his lap. I opened the door and hopped out the car, and after me Sir went out and I saw a few more men coming out of a big black car, the men were wearing black suits and sunglasses, all of them had the same army buzz haircut, There were five men standing in front of us, Mark fix his sleeve and started walking towards them.

When we got near them one of the guys came to Mark and shooked his hand, "Erin, this is Dan. he is my lead bodyguard." I looked up at Dan who was smiling and gave me his hand to shake it, I shooked it and then Dan started to give us instructions, "Sir Erin will go with Mr. Walton we had checked in this house and no one was there yet, Me and the other bodyguards decided to make three groups, one that will stay outside, one inside and look for things they'll need and pack it, and last one that will protect them,  they, as well, looked for things Mr. Walton and Erin need." The bodyguards got ready and we went into my old 'home'.
First I looked for the two most important things for me, My notebook that had my diary, songs and stories that I wrote and my laptop, then we took a few of my clothes. I wanted to get more but sir said he'll buy me better and newer clothes, I tried to tell him I don't need new clothes because I don't have money but he started talking about how he has money and he wants to give me the best... In the end, we took five shirts, three jeans a few underwears and a few socks.

 While sir was taking a look in the living room I heard someone yelling at the front of the house and I started to panic, I started looking for a way out but remembered that there is only one door out, I couldn't help but begin shaking and crying. When Mark heard me he ran into the room and hugged me tightly, "Shhh... it's okay, Baby... calm down, breath in and out...  Dan and the bodyguards are guarding us." he patted my back and kissed the top of my head, "S- sir... Shes gonna take me away from you and hit me again... Maybe even kill me, I d- don't want to go!" I cried out while he pulled me into his black suit, "No one will take you away from me and hurt you anymore... you're with me now" I glanced up at him and he smiled softly, "Let's go, sweetie, we're going home, Together." he took my hand and held it, His hand bigger then mine. "Protect them. anyone that comes near Mr. Walton that doesn't work for him, take them away from him, our top priority right now is Mr. Erin." they all looked at me. 'Am I the top priority? really? isn't it Mark? he is their boss after all....', I decided to raise my hand, Mark looked at me "You don't have to raise you're arm, Erin." he said with a chuckle, "Oh... Ehm sorry, I wanted to say that I'm not only the top priority... Mr. Mark is important too..." I looked away in shame, the guys all smiling. "Alright! everyone understood what the plan is?" Dan said after Mr. Mark made a mess of my hair and smiled, "Yes" we all said and started walking towards the exit.

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