Chapter 25~ The Turning Point

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Third Person P.O.V

"So, how many have we managed to snag?"

Teddy swayed side to side as she spoke, looking around the large room. It was packed with people she had never met before, all who had secrets and scandals that filler her mind and made her head hurt. It was all worth it though. Out of the many hundred or so guests she had managed to deduce twenty-five of them who fit the profile both her and Irene were searching for: rich, powerful and craving some good old.... recreational scolding.

"All of them," Irene replied with a sly smile. "All of those people you sent my way, men and women, took my card and said they'd be very interested in meeting again. In a more secluded place, of course."

Teddy grinned happily, holding up her glass of champagne she had swiftly taken from a passing waiter.

"To your rising career," she said.

"To our rising career," Irene corrected. "I'm going to need some more help setting everything else up, Teddy bear."

Clinking her glass against Irene's Teddy shrugged before taking a drink.

"I guess helping out won't hurt for awhile," she said. "At least until I find out what I really want from life."

Irene nodded in good-nature, not offended by Teddy's comment. She knew that her best friend wanted something more from life then being the secretary of a Dominatrix. That did not make her sad or angry. In fact, it made Irene want to help her find the perfect career for Teddy more than anything. One that would make her smile like Irene herself did whenever she was working. If Irene's dreams, though not exactly normal or socially acceptable by some, could come true then so could Teddy's.

The two friends plotted their next target- a woman in a tight black dress and red hair who had a liking for 'punishment'- and were about to execute their plan together when there came a call.


Teddy stared at Irene, a bored expression on her face.

"Damn, what does he want? Is he looking this way?"

Irene looked past Teddy to find a group of people- Teddy's parents and two men, a father and son duo- standing together. Teddy's father was staring at her like he was willing her to turn around.

"All eyes on you, Teddy bear," Irene murmured.

"Great! Just great. Do you think if I pretended I didn't hear-"

"Thea! Come over here, I want you to meet someone."

"Sorry, love. I don't think you can escape from this."

Teddy sighed, draining her glass in one quick go before handing it to Irene.

"Quick, breath check, I wasn't supposed to be drinking," Teddy said before breathing out hard. Irene sniffed and nodded.

"Hardly any trace, but don't speak to them face to face, they might notice."

With a sarcastic thumbs up at Irene, Teddy turned and walked away, not realizing that the conversation she was going to have next would change her life drastically.


"Thea, you remember Milton Gatsby, right?" Violet Holmes asked her youngest child. Teddy looked at the banker and nodded slightly, trying not to let her boredom show.

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