Chapter 24~ Happy Girls, Sad Girls, Mad Girls, Bad Girls

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Third Person P.O.V

The sky was covered in pastel pinks, blues and reds. The light of the setting sun made the lake behind the mansion sparkle. The soft breeze ruffled the trees that stood tall beside the entrance of the mansion. Outside the courtyard was abuzz with arriving men and women all clad in suits and long gowns. Mr and Mrs Holmes welcomed the guests into their mansion while waiters and waitresses busied themselves with serving the large crowd. Upstairs behind closed doors two teenage girls were ransacking a closet.

"I can't believe you left this till last minute, Teddy!" Irene scowled, chucking a coat onto Teddy's bed.

"I kinda forgot, what with all our exams and things," Teddy replied, holding a shimmering violet dress up against her body before making a face and chucking it away. Irene sighed, straightening and walking over to the full length windows. She pulled back the sheer black curtain and looked outside.

"Look at this, Teddy bear. Look at all of them," she murmured.

"Are there lots?" Teddy asked from inside her closet.

"Yep. I didn't think your father would know this many people."

"He probably doesn't, to be honest. The bank is huge. Still, though, more people mean more potential clients, right?" Teddy said with a grin.

Irene nodded, walking away from the window and towards the mirror. With one hand she smoothed out her long dress. It was strapless, showing a fair amount of Irene's creamy skin and sharp collarbones. The silk clung to her curves before flaring out slightly at her knees. Lace details in silver decorated the scarlet silk dress. Around Irene's neck hung her necklace from her uncle Castiel, something she had refused to take off. Luckily, though, it matched her dress. Her thick hair was piled on her head in a mass of curls, all which was held in place by a silver comb lent to her by Teddy. Her feet were clad in silver stilettos that had a slight glittery effect to them. Her finger and toenails were painted red with small flecks of silver painted over top. She looked like a siren, tall and glamorous and tempting, which would come in handy for their plan tonight.

"Ugh, I don't know what to wear!" Teddy moaned, ruffling her curly mane of hair.

"Why don't you wear the goddess dress? I haven't seen you in it before and it does look quite nice," Irene suggested, looking at herself in the mirror. "And then we would kinda match. Fire and ice."

Teddy delved deeper into her closet until she finally found the dress Irene was talking about. The dress was quite simple, really, but simplicity was the key to this dress Irene had dubbed the 'Goddess dress'. It was the lightest colour of blue that anyone could get- it looked almost white- with a shimmer of silver that would appear depending on the lighting. It would show the paleness of Teddy's skin with it's low cut front and bare back. Two silver clasps held together the bodice part of the dress at the shoulders. The fabric would continue over her shoulders, hanging loosely and hiding the straps which were attached to the pleated waist of the dress. From the waist down the dress flowed freely, swinging around the wearer's ankles and allowing easy movement to walk or dance. Teddy had gotten the dress from Mycroft for Christmas and was yet to wear it to a formal event.

"What about shoes?" Irene asked as Teddy placed the dress gently over her door. "Do you have a pair that will match the dress?"

"Yep," Teddy replied, pulling out a pair of silver gladiator sandals encrusted with small light blue jewels. Irene took the sandals from Teddy and held them up with a grin, her teeth bright against her red lips.

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