Chapter 4~ Irene Adler

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Teddy's P.O.V

The first sound I'm greeted to is that of two full grown men cackling with laughter. I'm not surprised that Sherlock and John are here in Buckingham Palace as well. I'm a tiny bit surprised to find Sherlock wrapped up in nothing but his bed sheet from home. Both men look up at me when I walk into the room.

"Teddy!" John smiles, moving along the sofa to let me have a seat beside him. I grin, sitting down next to him and look around.

"So, anyone know why we're here?" I ask. Sherlock shrugs.

"I don't know," he says, a smile still on his face from when he had been laughing with John before.

"Here to see the Queen?" John suggests.

It's then that Mycroft walks into the room, his chin raised slightly. Sherlock takes one look at him and replies to John's question.

"Oh, apparently yes."

John, Sherlock and I instantly begin laughing. Mycroft looks at us in exasperation.

"Just once, can you three behave like grown-ups?" he says as I try to stifle my giggling.

"We solve crimes, I blog about it, she believes in Neverland and he forgets his pants, so I wouldn't hold out too much hope," John says.

I look up at Mycroft as he walks into the room, leaning back against the sofa and crossing my legs. I haven't seen him since moving out of his place. Part of me was kinda glad to see him again, though I wish it could've been at a different time. I did wish I was back at work, I had missed out on a lot of things that happened in Scotland Yard since being shot.

"I was in the middle of a case, Mycroft," Sherlock says, his sharp eyes glaring up at our older brother.

"What, the hiker and the backfire? I glanced at the police report. Bit obvious, surely?" Mycroft replies.


"I was busy too, Mycroft," I say. "I'm not saying that I don't want to see you but your timing could've been better. I haven't finished my write up."

"You can finish it later, Thea. This is quite important."

I frown, slightly annoyed but more curious about what this important thing was. When I didn't reply Mycroft continued.

"Time to move on then."

Bending down he picks up Sherlock's clothes and shoes which are sitting on the table in front of us then holds them out. With an uninterested look at the clothes Sherlock doesn't take them. Mycroft sighs.

"We are in Buckingham Palace, the very heart of the British nation," he says, his voice becoming stern. "Sherlock Holmes, put your trousers on."

"What for?" Sherlock says with a shrug.

"Your client."

"And my client is?" Sherlock asks, standing.

"Illustrious..." A voice says making myself and John stand. "In the extreme. And remaining-I have to inform you-entirely anonymous."

The man looks at Mycroft and smiles warmly.


"Harry," Mycroft says, returning the smile, walking over and shaking the man's hand. "May I just apologize for the state of my little brother?"

"Full-time occupation, I imagine," Harry replies, earning a scowl from Sherlock. His attention turns to John.

"And this must be Doctor John Watson, formerly of the Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers."

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