Chapter Thirty-Eight

Start from the beginning

We made our way down the hallway, Ed laughed "Mrs. Sheeran" I hit his chest "shut up" I chuckled. "Lets save that title for you" he said, my eyes widened "what?" I asked, he bit his lip "oh, uh sorry. I didn't mean to say that" he said, I shook my head "no, no it's fine, just took me by surprise" I said, nudging his shoulder, he laughed "whatever."

"So, what's Christmas like at the Sheeran house?" I asked, getting into bed. Ed sighed "well, we open presents, we watch movies, then have dinner" he said, I hummed "sounds lovely" I said. Ed nodded "why what was it like at the Adams house?" He asked, I winced "mmm, lots of yelling and throwing things" I said, Ed scoffed "sorry" he said "no, it's okay" I said "it was pretty pathetic" I said. I cuddled into Ed's arms "your mum seems super awesome" I said, he laughed "I'll tell her you said that, now get some sleep" he said, leaning down to catch my lips in a kiss.

"I love you" I said "love you too" Ed said.


"Ed, Ed, Ed!" Someone was jumping on the bed, calling Ed's name "wake up Ed!" It was a kids voice, I peeked my eyes open, a little girl with strawberry-blonde hair was jumping on Ed's side of the bed. She looked to be around three years old "Em, please stop" I heard Ed's soft voice "hi Edy!" She laughed "hey" he smiled "where's your mummy?" He asked "kitchen, with daddy and grandma" she said "why don't you go find them and I'll be out there soon" he said, she nodded, jumping off the bed.

"Who was that?" I asked "oh, that's my brothers daughter, Emily" Ed said, smiling. It furrowed my eyebrows "why wasn't she here with him yesterday?" I asked "oh, she was at her other grandparents house, with her mum" he said, I nodded "she's cute" I said "yeah, she's a little shit though" he laughed "aren't they all?" I asked, she smiled, leaning down to press a kiss to my lips "yes they are" he agreed.

"Morning you two" Imogen smiled "morning" we said at the same time.

There was another woman, with long brown hair and bright blue eyes sitting at the table, that must be Matthew's wife. She smiled when she saw Ed and I "you must be Mullen" she said, holding out her hand for me to shake "I'm Teresa, Matt's wife" she smiled "it's very nice to meet you" I said "you too" she said.

"So" Ed sighed, wrapping an arm around my waist "what's on the list for today mum?" He asked "um, well we're going to open presents, then watch movies, like usual" she smiled.

Eventually we made it to the living room to open presents, I didn't get much, that's okay because I wasn't expecting anything. I got Ed something, I also got his mum and dad a bottle of wine. They liked that, but Ed and I decided to wait to exchange our gifts later, when we're alone.


We watched movies pretty much all day, then we ate dinner.

After dinner Ed and I decided to call it a night, saying goodnight to everyone before going upstairs.

"You tired?" He asked, I shook my head "you?" I asked, "nope" he walked over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist "thank you for coming with my this weekend" he said, I smiled "it was no problem, I had fun" I said, he smiled "good" he leaned down and kissed me.

"Ready for your present?" Ed asked, pulling a box out of under the bed "you hid it under the bed? Really?" I asked, his smiled disappeared "what?" He asked, I shook my head "nothing, your just a loser" I smiled, running my hand through his hair, he laughed.

I grabbed a smaller box out of my bag, "It's not much...but here" I said, handing him the box, he smiled, handing me mine. We sat across from each other on the bed. "You go first" he said, "okay" I said, tearing the wrapping paper around it.

I pulled a picture out of the box, it was of Ed and I playing in the snow, Harry had taken the picture. "Ed this it amazing! Thank you" I said, hugging him. "Yeah, its not much" he said, I shook my head "it's perfect" I said. I took a deep breath "okay, open mine now" I said, nervous of his reaction.

He tore the wrapping paper around the box, looking up at me before opening the cover, my hands were starting to sweat from my nerves. He furrowed his eyebrows, moving the paper around the little plastic stick in the box, pulling it out he held it in front of his face, confused.

I couldn't help but smile when the realization had hit him, his eyes widened "you? What?" He asked, I nodded "I'm pregnant" I said, he smiled "how? When?" He asked, I laughed "oh my god" he said, putting the stick down and hugging me "I love you so much" he whispered "I love you too" I laughed, he pulled away "wow. When did you find out?" He asked, the smile never leaving his face "three days ago, it took everything in me not to tell you" I said, he chuckled "this is the best...I-I don't even know- oh my god" he laughed, hugging me again. "Can we tell my mum?" He asked, I shrugged "sure, what time is it?" I asked "8:00, she won't be a sleep yet, come on" he said, getting up, still holding the stick.

"Mum!" Ed yelled, running down the stairs like a child. Imogen was the only one still up and in the kitchen, putting the leftovers away "mum, look" Ed said, running up to her and showing her the stick. She squinted her eyes before they widened "oh my god!" She smiled looking at both Ed and I "you two..." she trailed off smiling "wow, this is great!" She said, hugging both of us. "We have to tell everyone else" she said, getting ready to call to the others. "Wait! No mum, we don't want to tell everyone, not yet." He said, looking over at me to make sure. I nodded "oh, okay that's fine. I'm happy for you both, this is lovely" she said, warm smile on her face. "Thank mum, I think we're just gonna go to bed now" Ed said "goodnight" he said "goodnight" Imogen said back.

We got in bed and cuddled up together "are you cold?" Ed asked, I nodded "it's freezing" I said, he laughed and wrapped his arms tighter around me "this better?" He asked, I nodded "totally" I said, closing my eyes "I love you" Ed whispered "love you too" I said.

We fell asleep, wrapped in each other's arms.
Here's your late Christmas chapter, hope you enjoyed 😱it was fun to write, totally different than the other chapters, it was actually happy! Good stuff happened between them!

What do you think about the baby, we've got mixed feelings.

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