||7. Wedding gift||

Start from the beginning

Only girls have the superpower to leave their homes and adjust to another family after marriage.

Not knowing what to do he stood near the car watching Swara. She's crying vigorously and from her face, one can know she is becoming weak. He moved a little closer to Swara and put her hand across her shoulder to give her support. Swara looked at him. But she was not shocked or angry.

She was lifeless wishing for support. All smiled looking at them. Sharmishta and Shekar give the newly wedded couple a blessing.

"Sanskar she is our kid. We treated her like a princess. I'm sure she will be safe in your hands. She never tells her wants and needs. Understand her Son and try to fulfill it. You know her since childhood, and she takes the time to adjust to this new relationship which is unexpected for her. She is my life, I'm giving you part of mine. Take care of her son." Her father said putting his hand on Sanskar's head.

Mr. Shekar Gadodia is a renowned businessman, but his priority has always been family. He's broken today as his daughter going away from him. Though he did not show, he was most hurt by Kavita eloping on the eve of a wedding. Kavita was his pride, she has broken it. Now departure from Swara was breaking him. But for society's sake, this marriage was necessary.

"Take care of yourself too Sanskar," Sharmishta said, cupping his face.

Then she gazed over at Swara, "Shona it's your duty to take care of your Husband. Be a happy child. We are proud of you." She said giving a weak smile.

He holds Swara's hand and took her to the car. Swara turned back and looks at her family and silent tears are flowing through her eyes. They get into the car. He's sitting in the passenger seat with her. Swara looked out of the car window at her family and bid bye till they disappeared from their sight.

The car was moving slowly. Silence filled in the car. Swara scooted over to the window feeling the breeze. She wanted someone to wake her up. At any moment now, Kavita would come into her room, shaking her so that she would wake up.

It did not happen, she did not come and no one woke her up. Kavita had abandoned her, left her to the worst of fates and here she was in a car, married to the man who was supposed to be her sister's husband.

Through the mirror, he noticed she was on the verge of crying, a lone tear falling from her eyes.

"Take care of her son," her father's words reverberate in his ears. He offered his hankie to Swara. She looked at him, his eyes pierced hers. They shared a different eye lock. Doubts, confusion and so many feelings going through their mind.

Swara took the hankie from his hand and wiped her tears. The rest of their journey went in silence.

The car comes to a halt outside Maheshwari Mansion. Swara had been there a couple of days with her family but never had the place looked so daunting, so intimidating. Had the day gone as planned and Kavita had arrived instead of her.

Sanskar stepped out of the car and opens the door for Swara. Just as she was getting out of the car, she stepped on her skirt and stumbled. She would have hit the ground if it weren't for Sanskar holding her. Concern crammed in his eyes, "You must be tired." Swara emancipated from him and moved away, keeping distance between them.

Her face was devoid of emotions. It wasn't the first time she coming to the Maheshwari mansion. She had been there many times yet that place never looked daunting and intimidating as now.

His mother was standing at the entrance of the home with some other ladies and welcomed wholeheartedly them. They entered the home after rituals.

After entering a home, Swara took the blessing of everyone. Uttara brings sweetness to her. "Don't be shy and feed sweets to your wife," Annapoorna said, looking at Sanskar.

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