Chapter 37- Magical

Start from the beginning

"Shh! Mom is nervous," I said just as she walks in.

"Hey, Ms. McAllen! How are you feeling?" Ashton asks.

"Tired, irritable, fat, and the baby won't stop kicking!" she screamed as she grabbed her stomach causing us all to wince.

"Oh, cool," Ashton says nervously.

The doorbell rings again and I gasp. Finally!

I run to the door and grab the money once more before swinging it wide open.

On the other side stood a man. He was dressed in a casual pair of jeans and a black leather jacket. I couldn't see his face yet since he was grabbing the pizza from the delivery man. But I could see his waist length hair twisted into dreadlocks.

"I see your mom is still into dudes with long hair," Carmen whispers from besides me, making me jump.

"Thank you," he tells the pizza man and turns to face us. "I'm guessing Melissa burned the lasagna," he smiles and holds up the box.

"You would be right. I'm Peyton and this is my best friend, Carmen. Nice to meet you Calvin," I smile and take the box from him and hand it to Carmen.

He nods to us and she waves before going into the kitchen.

"Thanks for the pizza. Here you go," I say and hand him the 15 dollars.

"No, no you keep it," he smiles and I gesture him inside.

"Calvin! It's about time," mom comes from behind me and pulls him inside, giving him a bone crushing hug. "Where were you?"

"I said I would be here at 7," he says and pulls up his sleeve to check his watch.

"Yeah and its 7:06. You had me worried sick!" Mom pulls him in for another hug and he laughs.

"Mood swings," I whisper and he laughs even harder.

"Heard that."

"Now," I clap my hands and turn back to the kitchen. "Time to eat."


"So, one day at work, my boss came into my office and told me he was assigning a partner for my next project. I had no problem with it. I was like, 'Okay, cool.' The day started out pretty normal. You know, coffee, ringing phones, headaches...normal day at the office. A couple hours later and I'm reading something off my computer when I hear a knock at my door. I tell them to come in. And then, I look up to see the most beautiful woman I have ever seen," Calvin says and looks over to mom who was blushing like crazy.

"A couple weeks of working together and I had messed up on some paperwork. Melissa comes storming into my office, red face and all with the paper work in her hand. Mad that she would have to go back and fix everything. So, I do the unexpected."

"What'd you do?" I ask.

"I ask her out on a date."

"And she said yes," Carmen concludes.

"I said no," mom corrects. We stare at her in confusion and they both laugh. "What?! I was angry. It was clouding my judgement at the moment."

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