Chapter 13

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Evelyn's POV


After a month and a half, I was able to move to South Korea. Taehyung left a day after I decided because he was already in enough trouble. I had to settle my college situation. I was successfully transferred. I will not be living in my Uncle Mason's condo. The lady that came in, which Jackie and Uncle urged for me to call her 'Nana', has offered me an extra room her eldest daughter left. She owns sort of like a daycare, which is a good thing. I will work there and she will pay me the same she pays everyone. She will not charge me for staying with her as long as I help out with cleaning, gardening and of course, her business.

Jackie felt bad because she wouldn't be able to move with me. She starts in a week and she left for Milan yesterday. I'm already on the plane to Korea by myself. Uncle Mason had an important meeting so I drove myself and left his car with the airport for him to pick up later. I was feeling both nervous and sad. I went to see my mom before I came. She cried. I didn't tell her about my being pregnant. It would've gone worse. I didn't cry till I left the prison. I cried for the first ten minutes of the four hours it took me to get to the airport.

Once we landed, I grabbed my bag and turned on my phone.

Call me when you've landed.

I ignore the message and walk off the plane. I lift my suitcase out of the conveyor belt and sling a bag over my shoulder. I stack another suitcase on top of the big one and begin to walk, struggling with my bags. I look around, searching for Taehyung, who claimed he'd pick me up. I take out my phone and dial his number.

Two phone calls later, he answers, "yah?"

"Where are you?" I question, looking around frantically. "Ah, Evelyn. I'm— uh— in the restroom?" I make a confused face and furrow my eyebrows. "Okay... but you're here right?"

There's voices in the background followed by screaming. I couldn't tell if it came from the phone or airport. "Yeah— it's just... things aren't going so well."

The furrow in my eyebrows becomes deeper. "What do you mean?"

There's silence. "Just... watch." Then the screaming is heard again. But this time through both the phone and airport. A few minutes later, I see Taehyung followed a bunch of girls. "I'll meet you outside." I giggle and nod in his direction. "Bye."

I walk outside and stand by the side of the road. I look right and left not knowing what to do. "Welcome—" a voice says. "To Korea." I turn around and see a familiar place. Namjoon bows down to me. I can't tell that well but I'm positive it's him. The hat makes the disguise so obvious. I get rid of the thoughts and bow down to him.

"You must be Evelyn, right? We've met before?" His English is really good. Better than Tae's. I nod. "Nice to meet you. You're Namjoon?" He nods, removing the mask on his face. "I'll help you to the car." He takes my suitcase. I'm about to tell him I can manage, feeling weird for accepting the help, but my phone rings. "Hello?"

"I told you to call me." Uncle says with a blank tone. I close my eyes as dizziness courses through me. Namjoon notices and stops, looking at me, alarmed. I shake my head and smile. "Sorry. I was looking for Taehyung when I landed. Things got a bit, hectic." I take a deep breath and wipe the tears from the corner of my eyes. "Okay. Is everything fine? Did you land safely?"

"I'm alive, if that's what you mean." Uncle chuckles. "Alright. Have you called nana?"

"No, but I will right now."

"Okay, don't forget. Bye." I hang up on uncle and scroll through my phone. "Hello?"

"Nana? It's Evelyn." I smile lightly. She cheers when she hears me. I tell her on my way and she lets me know that my things have arrived. The door to the black van Namjoon leads me to, opens. My mind goes blank and I become nervous when five other people stare back at me. I fidget and my eyes begin to water.

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