Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"Baby is doing great. Looks like it's growing naturally. No early signs of any birth defects. Your health is fine. Any stress lately?" The doctor says as she looks through her notes from my visit a few short minutes ago. I cross one leg over the other and sit up straight. When she looks at me after she receives no answer, I look away. "It's important to live stress free during a pregnancy. Anything specific bothering you?" I sigh. "Evelyn."

I nod. "The father of my child is a man living in another country. Recently, the thought of moving there has come up and I'm debating whether it'd be a good idea." She leans back in her seat and purses her lips. "Have you weighed the pros and cons?" I nodded. "And?"

"It'd be a good idea according to the pros and cons." I state. She nods. "But?"

"I want to move. But I also don't. Although I have nothing here, at the same time, I do."

"Do you think it's the right thing to do? Have you talked it over with the father?"

"I barely even talk to him."

She nods. "Now, it's none of my business what you choose to do. But if you think that your child deserves to know his or her heritage from the father's side and grow close with that side of the family; then by all means, go ahead. But if you'd rather he or she not be involved with such a family, then you have as much a right to keep the kid here and raise it in this heritage. If there's a good time to talk to him, it's now."

"Milan!" I squeal at Jackie. I came home from the doctor and two hours ago. An hour after that, the mail came in with a screaming Jackie. She applied for a program to study abroad, as in a different country, considering that her major is something that isn't popular in a state like Texas. We've been talking about opening the letter for thirty minutes before she finally did. She couldn't find which city they'd send her to so I had to read it.

We screamed and squealed in excitement, making plans and imaging what she'd do in Milan before her face fell and she looked at me. "But what about you?" My smile slightly faltered. "What about me?"

"Who's gonna be with you in Korea when—" she cuts off when she sees my face look away from her. "What did you do?"

I bite my lip. "I'm not doing it, Jacks." She frowns. "Doing what? You're not gonna move to Korea?" My eyes water up. "I don't know." I croak. She sighs and pulls me in for a hug. "Oh, honey."

"Well, this is a pleasant sight." We snap our head to Uncle Mason. He smiles, but I pay no attention to him. I simply stare at the elderly lady beside him and the blonde in a SnapBack behind her. I look away from them and sigh.

"Dad can you stop bringing him into the house without a notice?" He chuckles. "Found him wandering the streets. And did you forget to say hello to Eomma?" Jackie smiles and stands. I don't move my eyes from staring at the coffee.

"Oh dad, guess what? She runs back to me and grabs the letter from the couch. She raises it up to him and squeals. "I got into the program." Uncle Mason smile brightens. "They're sending me to Milan!"

I take this as my cue to leave the living room. I go up the steps and feel the presence of someone behind me as I do. I walk into my room and almost slam the door but he catches it.

"Why are you even here?" I ask. I look up to him slowly. He awkwardly stands with his hands in his pockets. "I had to talk to you."

"Can't you get fired for just leaving without saying a word?"

"Jungkook knows where I am."

"Taehyung, I—"

"Just listen." He stops me, sighing. "I know I rarely see my parents and have a lot on my hands... but I wanna do this. This is our kid and I can't let you raise it by yourself. I don't care if I have to sneak out repeatedly just to help you out with him or her. I'll do anything. But you can't say it was a mistake to tell me. I'm glad I know about this. Im glad that what we did, happened. It might've gone wrong for my first time but—"

"It was yours, too?" His mouth hands wide open and he blushes, shifting awkwardly. "That's not the point."

"Then what is?" He stares at me and kneels in front of me. "Go to Korea with me."

"I can't just get up and leave."

"Then in a few weeks, move there."

"How will I even adjust? I don't speak the language nor do I know the culture."

"I'll teach you. Our break is coming up in a few. Then all we do is record from home and do a couple of interviews." I bit my lip and look down at the floor, crossing my arms. "Please. I swear. hyungs already told manager-hyung..." I snap my head to his. He looks worried. "Why?"

"I told them if they couldn't keep a lie going, to just tell the truth."


"He's a good guy. He won't give me a hard time." My stomach shakes with fear. "Please." He begs, grabbing my hands and stepping closer to me. My fingertips tingle. I look into his eyes and my mouth parts.

Those eyes.

I shake my head and pull my hand away. "Where would I live?"

"Your uncle was telling me about the lady downstairs." I chuckle. "Since when do you and my uncle talk?"

"We've kept in touch." He says, his lips quirking up slightly. There's a knock on the door. It opens slightly and I see the same elderly woman that came in with my uncle and Taehyung. "Hi," I kindly say.


Heart don't deceive me. Please stop beating against my chest.

Her moods changed quickly. I guess it's expected. But the way her eyes lit up when the elderly woman came, set a parade in my heart. It banged against my rib cage like a drum. Her light smile and focused eyes as she listened to the woman's words shunned my life more than it was.

"Taehyung?" Evelyn softly calls to me, reaching a finger out to poke my cheek. I blink repeatedly and look away from her, settling my eyes on the woman.

"Thank you," Evelyn says in English as I say it in Korean.  I turn to her as the bedroom door shuts. "So?" I ask. She bites her bottom lip, causing me to feel something. She bites it for the longest time. I couldn't help it when I stepped forward, raised my hand and used my thumb to pull it out from her mouth. Her lips part and cheeks heat up. She clears her throats and steps back. 

"Okay..." she says after a while, lifting her head from the ground. I was lost in my own thoughts that I had momentarily forgot what we just talked about. "What?"

"I'll go." She says. "I'll move to Korea."

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't happy

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I'd be lying if I said I wasn't happy.

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