Chapter 5

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I want it :(

Chapter 5

"Oh my god!" She squeals, lifting a varsity jacket out of the bag. "No way!" I giggle and hand my uncle the picture. He looks at it and smiles. "Reminds me of when your dad showed me his. Almost the exact same size." My heart clenches.

"Your mom was younger than you are when she had you." Then it cringes. "Your giving him this?" I shrug. "I figured he'd need some sort of proof. I don't think the hospital's test results will be clear enough."

"What did your doctor say? About flying here?"

"She said it was fine. As long as I'd be back within a week. She says flying is fine but we can't test the waters. So I can't do it constantly."

He nods. "So you say that this kid, Kim, is from—"

"It's actually Taehyung," I correct. "Korea puts the last names first." He nods. "—Taehyung is from South Korea. What part?" I shrug. "Because I have a studio apartment in—"

"He's from Seo District!" Jackie yells. "Daegu!" Mason closes his eyes and his mouth forms a straight line. I giggle, amused. "I have an apartment in Korea. And as Jackson just said, it's not far from his hometown."

"But he doesn't really live there. He was just born there. He lives in a dorm with—" she sees the glare her father gives her and stops rambling. "Anyways," he looks at me again. "I was thinking—"

"Dad, it's only been an hour since she told you." Jackie says, handing her dad a cup of fruit. "Yeah well, alike you, we think very quick. I was thinking that you, Evelyn, could move to South Korea if you decide to keep the child." Insert the signature Mason Novelis smile. My mouth parts and I look over uncle Mason's shoulder to Jackie, who is as shocked as I am. Difference between her and I; she looks happy. Me? I'm... not even sure what the hell is going on.

"W-what about college?" Is the first thing I can ask. He nods. "We can transfer you there. To a good college near by. I can talk to the dean and he can setup a reasonable schedule for you. I'll pay full tuition." My mouth drops this time. All the way to down to the first floor. I stand out of my seat and hold the palm of my hand to my forehead. I take a deep breath as the bile begins to rise in my throat. Before I know it, I'm throwing up. Jackie holds my hair up but looks away with a disgusted look. If it wasn't for my throwing up, I'd have laughed. I sit back and let my stomach settle for a while. Mason holds out a piece of gum. I slowly raise my hand and take it.

"It's just a thought, hun. It's not definite. Just so he won't be away from home. I have the business there so I'll drop in from time to time. You and Jackson can live in the studio and I'll hire someone to watch after you. In fact," he smiles. "There's a lady that helped me take care of Jackson when she was a baby. After I lost..." he gulps and looks away momentarily. "Anyway, she taught me a lot a widowed father wouldn't've known. She actually lives in Busan. Wonderful lady she is." I sigh, my body shivering. 

My eyes water up and get puffy, thinking the worst. "What if he wants nothing to do with it? Then this'll just be a huge waste of time." I sniffle and look down at my stomach. "It scares me how much it'll hurt if he denies anything or rejects me. I can't take that kind of pain." My voice lowers as my hand strokes the fabric of where my pregnant belly will be in a few months. "I don't wanna do this alone." I cry. "I get that you guys will be beside me the whole way but this is my responsibility. I  have to take care of it. It's my kid. My baby. If I rely on anyone, I'll forget the most important reason why I brought it into this world. I'll be one of those mother's who doesn't want to even get home because she has the responsibility of watching a child. I don't want to regret having it. And neither do I wanna force him into being involved. Cause then it'll be as if the story has flipped and he'll be one of those fathers that stays home late to sleep with another woman because he doesn't want to go home and help out." 

"He won't be." Jackie reassures, wrapping an arm around me and leaning her head on mine. "He seems to nice of a guy to do such a thing. If he's anything like you, he won't leave you alone." Uncle Mason sighs, and changes the subject. "How about we talk about breaking the news to him first?" He attempts to smile but stops when my look doesn't change. I wipe my eyes then nod. 

I spent the next few hours before the concert looking him up and finding a way to tell him. On Jackie's laptop, I watched videos of him. On mine, I researched. Jackie gave me an idea as she searched through Pinterest. I thought it was brilliant. Her and Uncle Mason left me alone to go find the necessary materials. I just laid out what I had and tried to think of more items to use. 

I couldn't keep the smile off my face at every adorable picture I saw of him as a kid and now. Every fact I read just got better and better and I realized who Jackie was talking about earlier.

Him and I were alike. In a lot of ways.

It only made me more scared to see him again. I was afraid. Will he deny what we did even though its all a lie? How will I even tell him?

I sat down at the small amount of dizziness that overcame me from so much stress.

Lord, help me.

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