Chapter Eleven

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later that night we are talking quietly when the Capitol seal appears in the sky, followed by the music of the dead.

there is a total of seven dead that would be districts eleven, six, a boy from nine and both tributes from three. I killed the boy from I killed the boy from nine, guilt washes over me and I sigh, "In the next day our goal is to kill seven more so we bring it down to fourteen, that way the odds are in our favor."  Coal says looking at all of us between the camp fire, we all nod I can't believe what I did what I did earlier to be honest I lost all sanity and if I don't wanna look like a traitor I must sound like an egotistical killer from district two.

"So, who's gonna take first watch?" Crystal asks, "I will, we'll switch at midnight, ok?" I say in a stone cold voice, They all nod and Lester has a smirk. "I still believe she's victim material," He says I scowl, "You need to shut up before something bad happens to you!"  I growl, he scoffs. "Yeah, I'd highly doubt you'd hurt your own ally" I smirk, "Yeah, and I'd highly doubt you'd see it coming," Every laughs and secretly add him to the list, the list of people I'll kill.

1. Lester

2. Coal

3. Crystal

4. Keen

the top four are the ones I'll kill first and the ones I hate and I just so happened to put them in order of the most import kill. Still not sure about Keen I wished he wouldn't have kissed me and made this so difficult.  I don't know how I feel about the bastard anymore. 

As everyone lays down to go to sleep and I'm sure it's clear I stand up quietly and and look towards the woods and there stands Vick, I nod my head at him to come forward and he does slowly I grab a backpack and two weapons for both him and Kate. When he approaches I hand him the stuff, "Here I noticed you didn't get any supplies I was about to bring it to you but oh well," I whisper, he nods. "Thanks, I owe you," I shake my head, "You don't now hurry and leave, I don't want anyone to see you ," He runs off and I watch him until I can't see him anymore. I turn around and sit back down in front of the fire.

I'm pretty sure the other tributes can see us from where they are but they are just to afraid to come out, on one hand I am glad about that and on the other I seriously am not. There is nothing to be afraid of when around me well there might be if you threaten my family, I wonder who  that is. 

About around midnight I wake Keen up because I decided that he will take second watch, I hope I made the right choice. "Keen, wake up it's your watch," I whisper, He wakes up a  little startled. "Alright," He replies in a husky voice, he sits up and I start to get comfortable when he speaks to me. "We can't pretend it didn't happen," I sigh and sit up, "Well, I can now shut up," I say passively but apparently he's not done. "I can't pretend Taylor," I sit up again and sigh, they want a show because I said I liked them so I'll give them a show, "Listen, there is nothing else to say I kissed you, you rejected me that's all...goodnight" I lay down leaving him confused maybe even frustrated I hear the sound of zooming in and realize the the cornucopia they have a camera hidden they zoom into my face and I act all sad.

Soon enough I fall asleep and am not woken until the sun comes up, we all start to pack our stuff and we talk about which way we are headed I'm ok for where ever we go as long as it isn't west which will lead right towards Vick and Kate to be totally honest I don't like her as I probably should but it isn't my fault she assumes the worst out of me. "let's go north I heard  movement there early this morning," Lester says I sigh in relief and we start to walk, as we do we hear twp cannons sound my heart leaps.

where did that come from? who killed who? we all look around, "Well, that's just two less kills for us," Keen dismisses, so we start to walk again and that's when we hear a fierce rumble, looking back we see three massive angry bears that look like.....mutts. oh crap.

"run!!" I yell, and we take off running the bears are provoked and start running after us, we take many turns and suddenly Crystal is grabbed up by a bear making us all stop Coal screams and starts to kill the bear but it's to late the bear has killed Crystal. We watch as Coal beats the bear several times with his spear and whatever else then after a while Keen steps up,

"Coal, it's dead, he won't come back to life." the other bears have long since walked off, I guess they have came for what they wanted and that was death, looking down at Crystal's corpse and sigh, what a shame she hated me for nothing. then we walk again Coal hasn't spoken a word which makes me feel really bad but I shake it off he has to die just like the rest of us. 

then an all to familiar voice enters my head, ' if you value your mother and brothers life you will do good and you will win'  

I shiver at the thought of my mother and brother dying, I must win, everyone must die.

I am the rogue.

(little authors note!! So, you all must know by this book I am a super weirdo with slight mental issues but thats ok because apparenly most of you guys like my book! yay me!! if you have any questions or conercens weird thoughts dont hesitate to ask! oh and check out the awesome cast!! later!!)

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