Chapter Five

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"Dad! Dad! Please! Come back!" I sob as I watch his picture on the wall. "You promised!" I shout throwing a vase at the wall and it shatters into a million pieces,
I close my eyes and lay down curling up into the fetal position as images flash through my head.
He's coming back. He's coming back. He promised.
He promised.

He's dead. I start to scream.


I wake up covered in sweat and tears rolling down my face, I tug at my hair trying to face the reality. I try to conjure up the reality where I will never get to see Reginald or Mom again and a reality where I will be able to see Dad again.

I think about the kids I will have to kill the kids who have done nothing, and the people who were taught how to kill so that they're district can have a personal assassin to brag about.
A winner is not a winner a winner is a person who won but doesn't understand the real value of winning within death.
I can't let anyone live, they can't have a Victor but I can't let anyone die.

No one deserves to die, I of all people understand an unruly death and a death uncertain of why it happened. We never got told how Dad died, we just received a call from the Capitol explaining his passing, and with that we got a generous compensation of money every month. I never wanted the money, I would be fine without it. I wanted the reason behind my dad's death, my mom on the other hand did not care I don't think she ever cared.

That's the thing about people in my district, death is just a thing that happens all the time. Not taken seriously, always taken lightly.

My childhood was filled with teachings of death I remember growing up near the mines my dad was a stonemason so we had to live close to the mines, anyway I was with my dad at his work and was watching him prepare a stone but during that day something horrible had happened. A huge unfinished stone had fell off a shelf landing right on a mans head crushing his skull.

I remember the pure terror I felt that day, but all the other men acted like it was nothing. They disposed of the man, and he was never talked about again.
That man, was my father's best friend I can't believe how he reacted sometimes I'm glad I am able to think my own ways.

I get up and walk into the bathroom braving looking at myself in the mirror I see a me that I'm not very familiar with. She has messy hair, deranged wide eyes, a pale face, and red irritated eyes.
I sigh and close my eyes, the games are destroying me. Slowly and steadily.

I go ahead and take a shower it's a very long one. One to where I can think and recollect my thoughts properly and when I'm done I put on my training outfit and walk into the dining room.
I poor myself a glass of orange juice and sit down at the table.
I'm surprised to not see Damon up because it is five in the morning.

I wonder how much he actually stays up, if he ever actually can sleep efficiently. I used to, in fact dreams of my dad never really started until now, I take a deep breath in and gulp down the orange juice.


"Why aren't you eating?" Maybelline asks me politely, I fidget in my seat and reply as best as I can. "I'm ready for training, that's all" I respond my eyes drifting to Damon he eyes me suspiciously. "Really? That's great! You know, I had spoken to Effie Trinket and she said her tributes are progressing well!" Effie Trinket? Oh yeah...I heard about her.

All good things good things, "Alright, it's time to go kids," Damon announces standing from his seat, we both nod and follow him out. As we're on the elevator I feel Damon's eyes on me which I wished he would take his eyes off so I can focus, when the elevator opens I make sure I am the first one out and I start to run over to the archery station and pick up the bow and sheath.

Hunger Games: Death Call- Book One.Where stories live. Discover now