Chapter ten

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Early in the morning I am awoken, they tell me to take a shower and dress in the following clothes laid on my bed. I take a slow shower, I take notice of how warm it is and sigh. I won't ever take a shower again, after getting out I dress in the clothes. Which it consists of a long sleeve shirt which is black black heavy duty pants and a  big coat with boats. I put my hair into a pony tail and walk out of my room disliking the idea of seeing Keen, instead I put on my big girl facade and sit down next to Maybelline and start to eat. "In less than an hour we will leave to board the hovercraft, now you understand what to do I gathered a few sponsers for you both, although I doubt you'll need them but oh well," Damon says calmly, I nod.

"Sounds ideal," I say shoveling food into my mouth, I know once I get into the arena it'll be hours before I eat again. After we're done eating Maybelline bids us goodbye and says she hopes to see us again.

Damon leads us out of the tribute center and to a landed hover craft where districts one through six are boarding Damon turns to us. "Good luck you two I believe you can do it," He says but we both nod and walk over to the hovercraft, as soon as we board we are seated I'm sat next to the little girl from district six, she smiles at me. She has to be nothing but 12, maybe 13 give or take a few.

A Capitol man walks up to me with a syringe, ''This is your tracker, I will insert it into your forearm and it will track you everywhere you go," He explains, I nod. I hold out my arm and he sticks it in my arm and I frown in discomfort, when he removes it I rub my arm, and then the hovercraft takes off in a few short minutes we arrive at some under ground place that probably leads to the arena. I'm thrown into a room and I look around where there is a tube and....Gwen. I smile, "Hello, Taylor, how are you feeling?" Gwen asks smiling, I give her a smile and nod. "I feel great....thanks for asking, little nervous" She giggles and nods, "That's normal, now in less than thirty seconds you will be lifted into the arena, any questions or concerns?" She asks me, I think about this and nod.

"what type of arena?" She frowns but gives me an answer, "well, judging by the clothes a cold place no snow, probably grassy and tree like," She checks her watch and sighs, "You have to get in the tube now good luck Taylor," I nod and get into the tube and am lifted right when I get in.

At first the brightness blinds me but then I see, Gwen was partly right and it is fairly cold. The count down starts and I look to the cornucopia where I see only one bright shiny trident, I block everything else out and when the siren sounds I take off running when reaching the cornucopia I grab the trident a backpack a bow and some arrows  with extra knives and turn to my right where the boy from district nine is about to attack me and I throw a knife and it hits him in the heart, I cringe at the canon that sounds multiple more sounds and who's left are the decease and my allies. We gather in a circle and start to devise a plan, "OK, so we are know the others will be hiding so a good solution is to wait them out and prowl around," Keen says we all nod and start talking while we walk, I start to think about Vick.

I hope he got somewhere safe if Coal catches him out in the open he will kill without hesitation, as we walk we find many animals along the way so some of us kill them for fun and I watch, i sling the sheath and bow behind my back and carry my trident plainly. "OK, this is getting boring" Crystal speaks up suddenly they all turn to me, "Why don't we send our little spy out to find some tributes then?" I gulp nervously, "Um. Yeah, I'll go.....let's meet at the cornucopia," I suggest they all nod and I walk in a different direction hoping to find Vick. 

As I walk it gets colder and darker by the hours that grow on I pass many trees and two deer, instead of killing them like most would I watch them then get moving again, "Vick!" I call quietly, I don't get a response I sigh where is he? then all of a sudden something grabs my arm and I turn around as if I was burned by fire. I see Vick I sigh in relief, "I was looking everywehere for you," I sigh, he laughs. "miss me that much?" He teases I roll my eyes, "Shut up or i'll slap the crap out of you," I threaten when i said that knife goes zipping  passed my face and I see the girl from Vick's district about to attack me, 

I give her a look that tells her not to, "woah, Kate clam down she's our ally!" Vick shouts the girl scoffs, "Yeah right! She's from district two she'll kill us!" She shouts, I scowl. "Keep talking and maybe I will, and yes he is right I'm your ally," I tell her, she eyes me up and down, "You betrayed your allies?" She asks, I nod. "Not entirely....but If I am gonna betray them you two are gonna be apart of my plan," Vick's face turns into a scowl, "Yeah, but what about your boyfriend?" I sigh, "I have that planned out leave the rest to me, ok? I gotta head back now, if I don't they'll get suspicious stay safe," I tell them, Vick nods and I head back to the cornucopia.

Once arriving back at the cornucopia I see all my allies at they have a fire lite laughing merrily, I roll my eyes and join them. "Bad news, I only found the tributes from district five and seven apparently they are allying," I say sitting down beside Keen not by will but by force legit no other places are left to sit.

''damn," Coal curses, I sigh. "If they keep on allying it will make it more difficult to kill them," Crystal whines, ugh I feel bad for Coal he's related to that. "you all seriously want an easy kill? we are all supposed to be the best and now you're making it sound like we need a band-aid every time we fall! now are we careers or victims? are we victims?!" I shout, they all turn to me shocked but apparently this hyped up because suddenly I find myself shouting 

'we are the careers.....and you will die!'

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