Diane reached out to lightly flick my name tag, "They may also wear name tags that are not their own. Everyone you have spent time with so far is fine, but just take care with new adults who try to talk with you when you are alone. I know you have not gone anywhere alone, but try really hard not to go alone until I tell you it is safe, okay? Do you understand?"

The people I knew were okay, it was just those I didn't know. And it only applied when I was alone. It reminded me of when Mom had taught me about Stranger Danger and Rick had also hinted at it as well. I nodded slowly, "I understand. This is what Rick has been helping train me for, right?"

Diane nodded, "Yes, and you will likely be getting more lessons now. They are really important."

I loved training and nodded enthusiastically. Diane grinned at my response and my heart warmed at the sight of her amusement. "Since the funeral is tomorrow, we will have most of the day off. I heard that Rick would consider training you most of the afternoon and evening if you want."

I nodded eagerly. Training with Rick was way better than playing on the playground while trying to ignore Trish and Nathan kissing on the bench. Diane stood up, "That is good, since Ace has told me that he is stepping up my training as well."

Diane turned to look at Trish with a more serious expression, "Do not say anything about this, the Commanders are trying to keep my training quiet so that those causing trouble do not know that we are onto their plan."

Trish nodded and Diane sighed in relief, "Good. Now I am tired and Ace was kind enough to give me numerous bruises as trophies, so I really want bed at this moment."

Trish chuckled and shook her head. I didn't understand her reaction. I guess Ace had given Diane bruises after all. I hoped that she was okay. It sounded like her training was going to get harder as well.

We went to our bedroom and closed the door. I got changed and quickly climbed into bed while watching Diane get changed. I held my breath to hold in a gasp at the sight of a big dark purple bruise on her side. I noticed a few smaller ones on her back, arms and legs as well.

I closed my eyes so she wouldn't notice me watching. She turned off the light and got into bed. I wondered if Ace had hurt her like that or if it had been that other guy from earlier. I didn't like to see her hurt, even if it was just bruises. It seemed very wrong. Sleep was a long time in coming.

I yawned and stretched as the morning bell went off. I got changed and snuck glances at Diane. To my surprise, she had no marks on her this morning. Her bruises had all disappeared. I was relieved to see them gone, although how they had disappeared overnight confused me. My bruises took almost a week to disappear.

I put it down as an angel thing. It made sense, if angels helped people a lot in dangerous situations they were likely to get hurt too. So it didn't surprise me that they healed fast. I already knew that she was faster and stronger than she pretended to be. I failed to see how no one else noticed when it was so obvious to me.

Breakfast was quiet and I remembered that the man's funeral was today. After breakfast we went outside and, to my surprise, we went outside the fence as well. Someone passed me a stick with braided grass on it. I took it even though I wasn't sure why everyone was getting one. Lots of people were already gathered here. Diane put me on her shoulders so I could see.

There wasn't much to see though, there was a big hole with two piles of dirt on either side. There was some rope on the ground and lots of red branches in fancy arrangements around it. Others from Diane's group gathered around us. I could see some people in brown and grey uniforms jogging in the distance.

A Different Virus - Laura's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now