And It All Comes Out

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I haven’t been in this neighborhood in years. Just looking down these roads brings back horrible memories. I see the same ole thugs standing on the corner. The only thing different was that they looked dirtier and way older than their age. I heard 4 gunshots then the sound of a coyote call. I knew that from anywhere, it was John’s crew. I walked into a an abandoned crack house. It was so disgusting, I remember this place oh too well. I walked passed the empty rooms. I had to step over girl passed out on the floor. Yeah it was still the same, the only thing that changed was the fact that I understood what was happening. I entered a room but it was locked. Yeah John was definitely in there.

“Aye John”

“Who is it?’

“Its me JP”

I heard someone get up, the door opened so I waked in. I knew the routine, I put my hands against the wall and let his guards pat me down.

“Aye JP I haven’t seen you in a while man but thanks for getting my daughter backstage passes to your show.”

“No problem man , but can I talk to you alone for a second”

“Yeah sure, uhm you guys go stand out side the door”

“What up Jacob I mean Princeton”

“Do you know a Marcus Johnson”

Johns face grew extremely angry. He picked up a lamp and threw it across the room. The glass shattered and spilled upon the floor.

“Yeah I know a Marcus Johnson. We have a bad past. Let’s just say I rather he be dead.”

“Well I’m not asking you to kill him. I just need to to leave my girlfriend alone.”

“What has he been doing”

“He keeps calling and texting her. Today he came and visited her in the hospital and flashed a gun towards her.”

“How does he even know her?”

“Yanni use to live around here, before her mom got re-married. You know this isn’t the best neighborhood so Marcus used to protect her. I guess he took the protection a little too far because he wanted a relationship with her. She didn’t want it and he has been kinda stalker her even after she moved. I’m just scared he will hurt her”

“Whoa don’t worry about it JP I got you”

John called his boys back into the room. I never seen so many guns in my life. I felt scared as I watched John strap at least 5 guns on himself. They guys did the same.

“You aren’t gonna kill him right?”

“Naw I’m just gonna scare him. When I wanna kill him ill do it for myself.”


“Now get outta her JP you don’t need to be involved in this. Stay safe, and call me if you ever need anything.”

I caught a cab and headed back to the hospital to see Yanni. I couldn’t keep my mind off the situation. I was extremely scared but I knew things had to be done. I just hope John doesn’t take things this far.



I saw a girl pull out a knife towards Alleeya. She was my friend, I had to help her. I threw the other girl down on the floor and kicked her in the stomach. I ran behind the girl with the knife and turned it in on her. She elbowed me in my face and I fell to the floor. I felt my nose and I was bleeding. The next thing I know blood is everywhere, but its not mine.

Fight For My Love: A Mindless Behavior Inspired Loves StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon