Party of A Life Time

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Alleeya: Oh wow what should I wear! I swear when ever I need clothes I never have anything to wear! Well I might as well start looking! (Alleeya throws clothes all across the floor looking for something to wear. She does this for 2 hours) Yess finnally I found something to wear I guess this will do! Oo and I have the accessories and mom has some shoes that would look lovely with this dress! Oooo I’m gonna be lookin bad!

Alleeya’s Mom: Alright lee-lee come down hear so I can curl your hair cause you know you would burn it off if you did it!

Alleeya: Alright Ma

Alleeya’s Mom: Omg Leeya you look so beautiful sweet heart! 0:18- 0:25

(Alleeya’s mom finishes doing her hair and just finishes up her make up when there is a ring at the door)

Alleeya’s Mom: Alleeya a car is here to take you to the party!

Alleeya: Im coming ma

Driver: Madam Alleeya your chariot awaits

Alleeya: Aww you sound just like them dudes in the movies

(Alleeya gets in the car and waves good by to her mom and heads off. She starts to get that scared feeling in her stomach so she decides to play her motivational song on her iphone. Great Expectations By Diggy Simmons feat. Bei Major. Alleeya gets so wrapped up into the song that she doesnt realize that she is already the party)

Driver: (opens the door ) We’re here

Alleeya: Welp here goes nothing

Driver: Dont Worry Ms.Alleeya you look beautiful

Alleeya: Well thank you, and your uniform suits you nicely

Alleeya walks in and immediately all eyes fall on her

Alleeya: Well Hello there (with and akward smile)

Lady Judge from Audition: Hi Alleeya you came just in time

Alleeya: Great! So exactly what is this party for

Judge: We are here to introduce you to the artist you will be dancing for

Alleeya: Yeah thats great so when will i meet them! Im super anxious.

Judge: Just follow the pretty little blonde girl standing behind those velvet ropes

Alleeya: Alright

Host: We would like all of our artist to come and sit down infront of the stage please. We are about to introduce you guys to your dancers! Alright dancing for Tyga Valerie Lemus (host goes on with announcing the dancers)

Alleeya: Omg I knew it was the Closer To My Dreams Tour.

Host: And from New York dancing with Mindless Behavior is the young but very talented Ms. Alleeya Washington

Alleeya POV: I walked out on the stage and my heart was beating like an 808 drum. Then I saw it, four of the most gorgeous faces I ever seen, and I they belong to Prodigy, Roc Royal, Princeton, and Ray Ray. I could feel a scream of excitement bubbling up inside but I had to supress it, I was infront of celebrities.

Host: Alleeya…. would you like to say something

Alleeya: Uh well Hi, Im Alleeya oh well you already knew that she said it like 50 times. 

(Mindless behavior smiles and Ray Ray laughs)

Alleeya: Im just really excited to be one of your dancers and im anxious to see whats in store.

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