Just When Things Were Looking Good

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“We’re ready!”

Alleeya and I walked out and Roc’s eyes landed on me. He walked over to me and gave me a big kiss. Whoa I was not expecting this



We exited out of the car and of course paparazzi was out there. I grabbed Alleeya by the hand and whispered to her to just smile. We walked the carpet and she handled it like a natural. I was so proud of her. I couldn’t stop looking at her she looked amazing in that dress. We walked up to the club and went straight to VIP. Everyone went down to start dancing except me and Alleeya. I wanted to spend some time with her.

“You know I think I’m falling in love with you” I said taking her hand

“Really? I mean we haven’t known each other that long. I know I have some really strong feeling for you but I don’t know if I love you yet.”

“I don’t know if I love you yet either girl I said I “think” im falling in love with you. Its no need for us to be so serious so soon." I said giving her a kiss on the cheek

“Good cause I was getting a little worried that we were moving to fast” I said scooting into is arms.

We were good just chilling and laughing when we had some visitors, and by visitors I meant groupies. D.amn! Two girls walked over in next to nothing. I could practically see their a.sses.

“Hi you’re Ray Ray from Mindless Behavior right?” Girl #1 said flipping her hair

“We’re big fans, really big fans” girl #2 said pushing her arms together trying to make her chest stand out

“Oh cool do you want an autograph or something?” I said trying to get them to leave because I knew Alleeya was getting aggravated.

“As long as you put your number on there”

“Look I’m here with my girl but I will be happy to take a picture or sign something for you” I said

“Oh so that thing is your girl”

“Exxcuse me h.oe!” alleeya shot back

“Aye you need to go if your gonna disrespect me and my girl like this!”

“Well I’ll leave but here is my number if you ever get tired of that washed up b.itch” she said walking off

I felt Alleeya trying to get up but I held her down.

“He don’t want your number you stank a.ss s.lut!” she yelled at her, throwing the paper at the girls head

“Whoa calm down baby” I said pulling her into my arms

“I’m trying to , im trying to!” she said

“D.amn what’s wrong with alleeya” twist and jawan asked as they walked up to the table

“F.uckinig groupies!” she said

“Oh snap!” Jawan laughed

“Man groupies can get pretty intense” twist said

“you know what I wanna dance, come on baby” Alleeya said as she got up and walked to the dance floor

“D.amn you and Roc got some fine a.ss girls!” Jawan said

“I know right but stop lookin at my girl” i joked with them

Alleeya took me down to the floor. Bring it Back came on and she went to work. D.amn I knew Alleeya could dance but I didn’t know she could twerk like this. I looked over at Roc and Isis was goin in on him. I tried to find Prodigy but he was nowhere to be found. I just went back to enjoy Alleeya’s a.ss.

Fight For My Love: A Mindless Behavior Inspired Loves StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant