Casey stopped walking, again. "What do you mean? You went to the party?"

"No, but mom thinks I did and you were there. Keep it that way".

"You actually want her to think you went to the party she told you not to? What's going on? Where were you last night? What place could possibly be worse than the party in your mom's eyes?"

"Phew. That's a lot of questions, none of which I'm going to answer".

"Oh no! I am not lying for you if I don't know where you were!" Casey said.

"Start walking", I gave an order, which Casey followed. "Remember that guy I told you about? I followed him".


"And it started raining, so I turned back. There was mansion up ahead. I think he lives there", I replied.

"You know, I still don't get why you don't just ask your mom about him. You'll scare the guy away with your stalker tactics".

"Uh yeah, I'm not going to ask my 74 year old mother if she's dating a 55 year old guy at most", I said.

"You think they are dating?" Casey asked, looking shocked.

We came upon a group of guys near the lockers.

"Hey Riley", Matt said to me.

Matt was an 18 year old senior in 12th grade, like Casey and I. He was the ladies man. He was good-looking and his father was rich. What more did you need to be popular? I could swear half of the girls in our class had a crush on him.... maybe even three quarters? I didn't care. Of course he loved the attention. We were not exactly friends.

"Hi Matt," I said. "Steve, Connor, Jake, Mike", I said, acknowledging the others.

"Oh Cass, I didn't see you there", Matt said, making fun of Casey's height.

Casey was not really that short. He was just short compared to the other guys in the school, who were all gigantic like they had the genes of a giraffe, according to him.

"Well, I saw that huge head of yours from far", Casey said to Matt, smiling sweetly.

"Tut, tut now, small tiger, no need to get your claws out", Matt said.

Casey rolled his eyes.

I probably should have mentioned; Casey was gay, short and cute. I probably did, but I have to do it again. He attracted attention he didn't want. If Matt and his friends weren't making fun of Casey's height, they were making fun of his soft facial features.

The bell rang, bringing an end to the meeting. Casey and I rushed to our class while the others rushed to theirs.

As usual I zoned out in all my classes until it was time to leave the school. I had gone through a day of behaving, yay me!

"I can't find my stupid keys", Casey was saying, rummaging through his backpack. We were at the parking lot near Casey's truck. "I could swear I threw them in here".

"Want a ride...on my dick?" I said and burst out laughing.

Casey blushed scarlet and hit me on the arm. "I'll pass".

"Well then there was no need to hit me", I said ducking purposely late. "Seriously though, do you want a ride?"

"Like I keep telling you time and time again, I am not getting on your bike or anyone's bike for that matter", he said shaking his bag.

I scanned through his bag. I could see his keys at the bottom corner of his bag. They were entangled in some threads.

"I'm leaving, so good luck finding them", I said.

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