Chapter Twelve: Don't Burn or Twist Me

Start from the beginning

I looked around for Liam, Allen and Lacey. I couldn’t find them anywhere, when I spotted a small trace of blond hair leaving through a back door.  By now, a bunch of the innocent people were running amuck, and screaming. Some had amused look on their faces which had quickly changed to fear.

Alexia escorted them out, as I tried to find a way to get to the retreating group of teenagers.

“Fuck, they got away!” I yelled at no one in particular, just upset that they had made a getaway while I killed another portion of their army of guards. I walked to the bar to see if there would be another way to that door. But, instead of finding another exit, I found a slightly frightened AWOL English teacher of mine, which was pointing a gun directly at me.

Oh, goodie, I thought as he cocked the gun.


“Okay listen up, you stupid ass cunt,” I gasped at his words, as he smirked clearly wanting that reaction. “You and your little friend are going to let me leave, before this building is completely set ablaze.” I finally looked around and noticed that half the room-where one of the dance floors was, sitting area and the V.I.P lounge-was completely on fire. It was only a matter of minutes before the entire club was disintegrated.

“I can’t let you do that.” I pulled out a small switch blade and slashed in the direction of his body.  His hand gripped his cheek. I saw a trickle of blood on his hand. I had made a three inch wide and roughly one inch deep cut along his cheek. I smiled as his eyes got a furious look in them. He cocked the gun another time, since when I cut him; he pulled the trigger which had shot through a bottle of liquor.

The tip of my boot kicked the gun right out of his hand and unto the floor next to the now spilling liquor. His hand reached down to grab it. I slammed the heel of by boot into his hand and crouch down so we were at eye to eye level.

“Now, Dean, isn’t that your name?” I ground my heel deeper, making him shriek. He nodded quickly, sweating from the scalp of his head and damping his shaggy blond hair. I rolled my eyes, “Or should I call you Mr. Johnson? I mean since you are my AWOL English teacher, why did you leave that day? I mean the entire school hasn’t seen you for weeks. What have you been doing, Dean? Have you been selling drugs to teenagers, Dean?”

He shook his head, which made me even angrier than I was before. I lifted my foot for a second and then smashed it back unto his hand. He screamed a sound that could pierce eardrums and yelled a couple of profanities at me-bitch being a word that came up often.

“Shut the fuck up you little ass moron! Now, tell me who that guy you were talking to was and what part does he play in Libson’s little game. And, if, you lie to me Dean, I swear to god I will cut off every single finger you have and shove them down your throat. (A/N: Gruesome, I know, but it’s part of Liza’s personality. Keep Reading ->) so, tell me, now.”

He took a ragged breath and looked at me with deceitful hate flashing through his eyes. “His name is Lorenzo. He is a mafia boss. A godfather, if you will. Well, the godfather around this part of town. He runs, well used to anyways, the Vermicelli Mafia mob. Lorenzo is his first name, named after his father, Lorenzo Vermicelli. So, as you can see, Lorenzo meant a big deal down here. But now since your sweet cakes Josh-y killed him. You can now kiss the Vermicelli Mafia mob out of Libson’s plans.”

“That didn’t answer the second part of my question dipshit.” I sneered.

“I wasn’t finished you vile and vindictive bitch.” He sneered back. I pressed a little harder on his hand, which made him wince, but continue with his story, “Libson needed Lorenzo to keep the police out of his way, so his entire plan can go into full and complete action. But, since Lorenzo is now dead, Libson doesn’t have anyone to keep the police off his back. Well, I mean he is using high school students as decoys and of course, dealing the drugs in places where you wouldn’t think of.”

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