Words unspoken

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Oh darling you say I'm the one who doesn't understand
Oh darling it's really you who is confused
Oh darling I've hidden behind this mask for so long
Oh darling this mask is stuck on me like a second skin
Oh darling don't you see now what i mean?
Oh darling there is no hope for me
Oh darling can't you see?
Oh darling I'm just going to shut you out
Oh darling I mean no offense but I don't want you to see me like this
Oh darling look away quickly before you really see what's behind this mask
Oh darling how can you be so stupid?
Oh darling my face is ugly
Oh darling that was never me
Oh darling I wish you weren't here
Oh darling I'm about to do the unthinkable
Oh darling run out that door before it's too late
Oh darling why must you be so curios?
Oh darling the metal is cold against my head but my body is burning
Oh darling this is your last chance
Oh darling why don't you listen to me?
Oh darling I see your tear streaked face
Oh darling I wish I could touch you once more before I leave
Oh darling it just wasn't meant to be
And down down we go not down a rabbit hole but the fiery depths of hell where I belong
Oh darling don't do it too

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