32: Grand Master Faust

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I opened it slowly, and grinned. My completed flight Rune was on the first page, and the next 58 pages were the interlocking runes, and their entire abilities and purpose written next to them.

I laughed. "This is amazing! So people will always know who I am... and what I did."

He nodded. "Would you like to see mine?"

I nodded quickly. "Yes sir!!!"

He held a hand out, and I grudgingly released the book. He replaced it on the shelf, and then took a different one from the other side down. A much thicker, red book, not a sheaf of pages.

On its cover was written 'Marcus Faust, Dragon of the Nile '. I smirked. "Dragon of the Nile?" I said disbelievingly.

He chuckled. "From my more warlike days during the Third Asian/Egyptian War."

I nodded and opened it slowly, wary of the old spine, and grinned. The first page held a Rune for Shapeshifting oneself into a Dragon. "A literal Dragon?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yes, but never use it. It's in the restricted section for a reason." He chided.

I nodded and turned the page, seeing a Rune for shrinking objects by moving the particles closer together. "This one I learned in class, how-"

"Not all runes in the Restricted Section are restricted. Some are just in the same files." He shrugged.

I hummed and nodded. "Makes sense... cool..." I closed the book and gently placed it back in its spot, then bowed my head. "Thank you, Grand Master, for the Tour and showing me my File... what must I do to get a Section dedicated to me?" I nodded at a sign that read 'Diamine Ashoka', next to a gate that led into an entire section, about the size of a large apartment.

He chuckled. "Accomplish many, many things? I have one of those too, but it's further back. The front holds the old Grand Masters. The back is the newer ones."

"That doesn't make much sense..."

"It expands backwards, actually. The library is magic, as I'm sure you know. Everything changes on its own. If knowledge is known, it's here. Each great Witch, Lich, or Mage has a section down here that holds their works. Even a few humans have sections." He nodded.

"Humans? Really?"

He nodded. "Such as Marcus Aurelius XXIV."

I blinked slowly. "Oh my gods... I just realized I might have destroyed a priceless artifact..."

He raised an eyebrow slowly, his face set into a disapproving mask. "Explain."

"The spell for a Hermes Door calls for something irreplaceable from a Leviathan and a Daughter of Arachne, and a useless bauble, that's also irreplaceable. I used a small bronze pendant... from a Vault labeled 'XXIV'." I explained simply.

He nodded. "I see. So you did destroy a priceless artifact. Ah well. We probably already knew about it. Don't stress over it." He shrugged nonchalantly.

"Is there an Alchemy section up there?" I pointed upwards.

He raised an eyebrow. "Seriously? I just told you this magic library holds all the known knowledge in the history of mankind."

"Got it. Do you need help putting stuff away down here?" I asked, lacing my fingers behind my back.

He hummed. "Not right now, no. I enjoy coming down here, though. The Library helps me find what I need."

"So it's Sentient?" I asked.

He hummed again. "I think so, but the scholars are very adamant it isn't."

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