Chapter 17

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“Where is my husband?!” She laughed.

Ryde let go of Isabella’s hand, moving himself completely in front of her.
“Lady Julienne… So nice of you to finally join us.” Ryde said, his eyes watching her every moment.

“I assume you've heard what happens to your father, it was a shame, I liked him… But he got in the way of our love.” She groaned, her hands touching her face softly as her cheeks blushed pink behind the tan her skin held.
“Just like that whore behind you, he parted us. Just hand her over and we can be together forever, just like father promised.”

The old man stepped back, his old tanned skin paled, “You… You murdered the king?” His eyes widened.

The red woman laughed. Her voice was the only sound that echoed around the hall.

“Ryde…” Izzy whispered,  her hands holding into the suit he wore.

Around the outskirts of the hall, knights and royal guards stood there ground.
Each man had his hand on their sword, ready for Ryde’s signal.

“Lady Julienne, I was following my duty as prince when I asked for you hand… I'm sorry you thought that I truly loved you, I'm sorry for making you think I'd fall in love with you.” His hand reached back and pulled his Wife, Isabella close to him, wrapping his arms around her small framed body, “I'm in love with Isabella and I'd like to believe that the first day I met her, I started to fall for her and her wild way of doing things.” Ryde smiled down at the blonde in his arms.

Julienne screamed, her hands curled into fists as her temper increased.
“SHE KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT YOU?! She is just a commoner whore! She isn't even a princess! I'm a lady!” The redheaded woman screeched.

Ryde went to take a step forward by Izzy held him back as her own feet moved.

“My lady, I am, whether I or you like or not, am a princess.” Izzy’s voice softened as she spoke the woman, her hand reaching out to her.
“And you're right, I don't know much about this man, I just know I wish to spend every morning waking up to his messy hair and grumpy face, and go to sleep every night with his ridiculous snore and smile.”

Ryde jumped back at her words, “I don't snore!”

Izzy turned her head and nodded, “You do. It's really deep.” She chuckled before turning back to the redhead, “Look, I want to spend the rest of my life learning about this man that has somehow managed to claim this heart of mine, and I know - only because he is sooo cheesy about it - that he wants the same for me.”

“Shut up… You don't know love. I love that man, I haven't slept around like you, I've waited patiently for him… If I can't have him… then…” Her voice soft when she began to talk, her eyes filled with tears,each one streaming down her tanned cheeks.
When she had finished talking, her eyes were set firmly on Rydes somewhat handsome face.

She then made her move, Julienne ran forward, her hand pushing Isabella out of the way and hr other in the cup of her dress, she pulled out a crimson stained knife and headed for Ryde.

Izzy spun, running after the lady in red as she made a dash for her newly wedded husband.
The knights equally moved in, the crowd moved out of the way.

Everything seemed to go so fast.
Izzy could see everything flash by as her heart stopped.
She found a guard stood in front of her, to protect her from harm,however, she couldn't see past him as he was twice the size of her with his muscles and armour.

She could only hear the sound of blood dripping and Julienne crying. The rest of the crowd was silent.

“You've gone too far my dear… Take her away.” The voice belonged to the Earl Joseph Karan.

The knight moved and took hold of the weeping female in the crimson dress. They picked her up and carried her away.

When time slowed down her eyes fell upon Ryde.
His face had paled and his own eyes looking at the short man in front of him.

The Earl. 

He had managed to get in the way and protect the prince from his daughter.
The knife was embedded into his chest, blood soaked his clothes as his hands felt around the blade.
His body weakened and went to fall.
Izzy ran over and took hold of the man, her arms around his back as she sat on the floor, “ELIZABET! BAKER!” She shouted.

Ryde knelt beside her, the earls old grey eyes looked up at the Princess, “I'm sorry… I have spoilt that child ever since her mother died… I never truly taught her the meaning of love nor the word no…” The old man coughed, his hand gripping his suit jacket as the pain felt as if it spread through his body.

“Don't talk…” Ryde whispered.

As Baker and Elizabet made their way through the crowd, the old man in Izzy arms had closed his eyes for the last time, the blood seeping out and oozing over the bottom of Izzy’s dress.

“Take the body away.” Baker said to one of the guards.

Ryde lifted Izzy back up onto her feet, holding her close to him.
“Please let there be no more…” He whispered as he kissed Izzy’s hair, her hands gripping onto his suit and she gazed up at him.


The party was finished and the night was over.
The kingdom didn't sleep much as the people mourned for the loss of the king.

The next morning Prince Ryde was up and dressed in his sky blue general's suit, before sun rise whereas Izzy was spread out across the bed, her body was wrapped in the bed sheets that were meant to cover his bed.
Her short curls knotted up around her head on the crimson pillow and her mouth open, occasionally letting out a deep snore.

He sat down beside her, her body curling up around him and her hand reaching out for him. His fingers touched her palm as his green eyes watching his sleeping beauty - if you could call her sleeping face beautiful.

“I love you.” Ryde whispered gently, as he kissed her button nose.
He then got up and made his way out just as the sun was beginning to rise.

Ryde made his way around the palace, collecting documents and folders from his father study before heading to the throne room to have a meeting about when he'd go from Prince to King.

As he entered the room, he saw he was not the first to arrive. There at the other end of the hall sat a man in Royal Throne.
He was dressed in a dark blue robe with a black scarf like sash around his waist to tie the robe together.
Ryde could hardly see his face but the wicked grin and the red hair told him who it was.

“How do you like my wife? Bent over and submissive? Or do you prefer her on top and dominant?” The deep voice chuckled.

Ryde dropping the folders,the documents fluttering down onto the whitewood timber.
Ryde took hold of his sword and drew it.
“You're dead?! How can you be here?” Ryde questioned.

The man laughed, his deep booming laugh echoed around the room.
“Wakey Wakey Prince Ryde!”

“No! IZZY!” Ryde turned his head and made a dash for the hall doors, dropping his weapon as he took hold of the handles.
The laugh continued on as the prince pulled the doors open only to be stopped momentarily by the blinding light. 
The prince closed his eyes and dashed forward, screaming her name.

The Royal Two जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें