Chapter 1

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“I can do this.” The man muttered, his gloved hands gripping onto his sword tightly.
“I can defeat it. I can conquer this. I have to. For his sake of my family's and my people's Kingdom.  For the sake of her.” The man's emerald green eyes glared through the small slots in his helmet as his suit clanked with his every movement.

Around him was nothing but rubble from the old decrepit castle before him.
Which he found surprising.
Every Kingdom near and far had heard of the Winston Princess and her beauty. Her fair blonde hair and her baby blue eyes that according to the princes and lord that had met her, sparkled as if they were the gems their mother's wore to the balls.
So… to asked the question, why wasn't there any other knight here?
No burnt or crushed bodies. No bones of the dead from the remains of the fearsome dragons meals.

Not a single piece of evidence was there.
Only the dragon that lumed over the crumbling tower, it's large amethyst coloured wing blocking out the light to a towers window.
"That has to be where she is… Otherwise, why would a dragon try to protect it? But on that note… where are the others?” The young man muttered to himself as his eyes watched the dragon's movements. 
It's large crimson eyes glared down to the man in armor, it's body turning and waving gentle around the old castle, carefully trying to not knock what was left, over.

“WHERE IS THE PRINCESS YOU FOUL BEAST?!” Yelled the man, his hands trembling slightly, the sword showed signs of this as it shook.

The dragon bowed its head down to the silver man on the cobble step at the end of the old wooden bridge.

“Foul Beast? Is that what you called me?” The dragon asked, his voice deep and crisp, but his tone sounded hurt.
“We have just met and you call me a foul beast mealy on appearance, that is incredibly rude you know.”

The armored man stepped back, “What… You…” He stuttered out.

The Dragon took a breath and puffed out a small ball of smoke, blowing it around the knight.
“If you aren't going to apologise, just state your business or get out before I eat you.” The dragon lifted its head up.
“I'm not in the mood for visitors today.”

The man lowered his sword,”I am here to rescue the Princess of the Winston royal family.” He placed his right hand over the left side of his chest and bowed to the Dragon.
“My apologies Erm… Dragon.”

“I guess the apology will do… However, No one informed me that anyone would be coming. Damn mailman, always late.” The dragon sat up, his under belly was a dark shade of red with his scales shining like a newly polished amethyst gem.
The dragon's claws lifted up and scratched under his chin, “Hey, did you expect anyone to come and rescue you?” The creature asked, his smoke puffing from his mouth filling the once blue sky with grey clouds.

“No. Why would they send someone? I'm no longer their daughter… Just a back up toy for them.” A female voice echoed through the crumbling tower, it was sweet and soft but had a hint of attitude in her choice of words. 
“Baker… If he is here to take me out, I might as well leave.” The voice continued.
The young man below could barely hear the conversation above him. Only the dragons booming voice filled the metal he wore.

“My lady, I was and am being paid to keep you here and protect you from any unwanted… Who am I kidding, I'm just here to stop you escaping.” Baker the purple dragon replied, his voice had hints of laughter.

“Let me see this man who claims to come and save me from the ‘foul beast's’ nest” She chuckled. 

The dragon moved his clawed hand and placed it by the window, out came a slender shadow.
When the dragon brought his claw down, there in the centre stood a  young woman, the knight took note of her appearance.

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