Chapter 6

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It took a week to return the Princess back to the city she belonged too.

John had spent every day courting her and protecting her. They had had fun and the Princess soon saw the fun side to it all. After a matter of a few days, she had let her hair down and stopped acting like a young adult and more like Izzy. She was running wild and free.

Just outside the City, Elizabet was waiting. She had left them at the castle and had gone ahead to the palace to tell the King and Queen the news.
Elizabet stood at the edge of the city with a royal carriage to her right. The lady was much thinner than before and in a long purple dress, with a black shawl. Her green hair was tied back and to the side. Her emerald eyes watching the path for the three members of royalty.

She bowed before the three of them, “My princess and you two Princes, King Tristan and Queen Marie are waiting for you at the Royal Palace.”

Victoria smiled, happy to be home after two long years, but the thought of the common girl plagued her mind, “Elizabet… Is she--” She began to speak as she climbed into the carriage.

“Yes. She is home and safe. My Princes, Baker couldn't join me in welcoming you to the city, but he sends his gratitude to Prince Ryde for protecting the young woman. He told me to pass along a message,” Elizabet bowed to the prince as she held out a letter, one which was addressed to Prince Ryde.

Ryde took the letter, his heart thumping inside of him.
Why was he getting so worked up over news of a commoner.
He climbed into the carriage following behind Prince John.

The letter read as such;

‘Dear Prince Ryde,

I regret to inform you that Isabella will no longer be able to keep her promise, and nor mine.
Her parents have ordered her to be returned to her castle.

Due to the unfortunate events, the events I speak of are the ones where you found her, have taken much effect of the young lady's parents. 
The location of the tower has been moved.

Please, although I can't not tell you the location, Isabella misses you greatly and wishes for you to come save her, (she has not told me this, but I can see it in her eyes) and because of the events that have transpired, I have been ordered to kill anyone on site, regardless of who and why they maybe there, so please, if you do come, don’t let me see.

Yours sincerely,

George Baker.’

Ryde felt something inside of him break.
The parents had cursed their own child with a life of imprisonment, but why?
Ryde handed the letter to Victoria, when she had read it she looked up at Ryde.

“Do you like her enough to save her again?” The Princess asked.

“Who is she?” Ryde asked, his face showed his torn emotional state.
His Kingdom needed a Prince and an heir.
His brothers were off fighting in a war with the southern Kingdom and incase they were to die, his parents, the king and Queen of the Eastern Islands had demanded he rescue the Princess Winston to produce an heir and unite the kingdoms so that they were safe and had extra men to fight for them.

Ryde had figured that since the Princess and John had been getting along (Extremely well, might he add), he had no hopes of fulfilling his parents desires, he might as well fall in love with a commoner.

Fall in love.

He felt like he may already be in love. 

“Answer my question first. Do you like her enough to save her again?” Victoria’s voice was stern and her question woke him.

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