Chapter 12

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Izzy rode just in time, she jumped from her horse and clashed roberts sword with Ido’s.
“Hello husband…” She growled.
Her presence threw Ido off balance and sent him sideways, her presence also shocked both John and Ryde as they stepped away.

Ryde’s eyes lit up, the darkness disappearing from his face as the emerald gems in those sockets witnessed this woman's appearance.

Ido held his blade up and hissed at the woman in commanors clothing, “A battlefield is no place for a wife, get back on that horse or else--”

“Or what?! You’ll rape me? Beat me down again? No, I’d rather die here than be subjected to you and your desires!” She snapped back, she threw her back into it, as she swung her own blade, hitting it against Ido’s.
The war below the hill stopped, the only sound remaining was Ido and Izzy’s swords clashing.
The men on the battlefield all witnessed the strange woman fighting against the king of the south.

She panted and continued to fight against Ido, her skin getting the odd cut as he caught her with the tip of his blade. She was not fighting well against him.
Ryde moved aside and picked up his own blade, as Izzy began to speak again.

“You have caused so much despair in our kingdoms and you created this battle, all in a matter of weeks to take over what is left of our kingdoms, to take over and be the ultimate king.” She signed, “What good has it down you, you’ve killed more than you have saved, and you have slaughtered those who had NOTHING  to do with this stupid war!”

Izzy clashed her blade against Ido’s again, this time her sword slipped and slid down his own, their bodies becoming increasingly closer.

“What was it for? Why do you feel the need to be this?” She asked, her hot breath brushed against his lips as her curls fell forward and the clip in her hair snapped.

“Why?” Ido grinned, his teeth beaming at her as he whispered, his dark eyes glancing away from her and behind her, “Because a wise king once said, despair is greater than hope. Cause them to despair and you’ll get everything you want without trouble.” He chuckled, pushing his blade against hers, sending her falling back onto her dirt.

Ryde held his blade out, the tip nearing Ido’s neck as the man fell to his knees and straddled Izzy.
“And what king said that?” Ryde asked as the tip pressed against the king of the southern kingdom’s neck.

Ido laughed, the blade was cold and he could feel his death closing in with the smell of smoke lingering in the clear air.
“I did.” The man laughed once more before Ryde’s blade pressed into Ido’s neck, blood dripping down the thin edge of the silver blade. Droplets spilling onto Izzy’s shirt as the man who had defiled her died before her. The light in his eyes slowly disappeared as he coughed out a splatter of blood as his last breath was taken from him.

Ryde kicked the man from his blade, letting his body fall to the hard ground. Ryde threw his bloodstained sword down and picked Isabella up onto her feet.
“Why did you come back?” He asked, holding her body close to his. His fingers running through her dyed hair, as his other hand pressed against her back.

“Because I had to… I had to see Ido dead, with my own eyes.” Izzy raise her hands to his chest and gripped on the shirt as she looked up at the prince’s face. His eyes had lightened up and his aura seemed a lot calmer than it did when she first arrived.

“Well…” Ryde smiled warmly as he leant himself down and pressed his lips to hers. She, of course smiled and returned his kiss.

As the prince pulled away, he lowered himself onto one knee, her hands in his as his emerald eyes gazed up at the Princess.
“Princess Isabella Rose WINSTON, will you do me the great honour of being MY wife?” Ryde stressed a few words out as his gazed flipped between her and the body that was behind him.

Izzy laughed softly as she nodded her head in response.
The remaining soldiers cheered, along with John who sliced down the last of the southern soldiers, his eyes welling up with tears of happiness.

Now, I would like to say that’s how this story end, but I can’t lie.

A pain twinged in Izzy’s chest, and Ryde eyes widened as his gazed moved from her pale face to her chest. Out of her chest was an arrows head. Blood soaked and broken.
Izzy’s body fell down, limb and lukewarm, her blue gaze looked around for Ryde’s stupid face as her sight became blurred and her body cooled.

“IZZY!” A voice cried out.

Was that him?

“STAY WITH ME!” The same voice continued.

Ryde? Help me... 

Izzy could see a shadow loom over her.

Was it Ryde? Or John… Someone… Save me.


Ryde held Izzy’s body close to his own, carefully trying not to stab himself with the arrow.
His voice crying out for the woman in his arms.
His face became distort once again as he turned his attention to the prince beside him.

A man, not far from them had fired the arrow as one last attempt to pay Ido’s revenge towards the middle kingdom.
John had found this man and stabbed his blade into the man's heart from behind.

Ryde cried as he watched Izzy’s light go out as her eyes dulled.
The world became silent as his gaze was fixated onto her pale face.

“Izzy.. Please… Don’t leave me.” He begged, his lips pressing to her forehead as his tears dropped onto her skin and into her hair.

“Ryde…” John muttered, his hand touching onto his shoulder and he watched his friend weep.

“Get Baker… Get Elizabet… One of them… They have to be able to help her…” the prince said, his tears had stopped flowing, but they had left stains upon his paled cheeks.

“We will take her back to the castle, but you know there is no guarantee that they will be able to do anything…” John replied calmly.

Ryde stood up, breaking off a piece of the arrow on her back, but leaving enough for someone to pull out. John calle dover a horse and helped Ryde climb on, with Izzy still in his lap. He held her body with one arm as he controlled the horse with the second.
“Ha” the prince called as he set the horse into motion towards the kingdom.

Elizabet took Izzy from Ryde upon his arrival, into the palace.
The wind from riding the horse had dried his cheeks and his lip bleeding from his teeth biting down so hard on his skin.

“Please… Save her.” He whispered as Baker and Elizabet took her away down the corridors.
Victoria came out of one of the rooms in the corridor, wearing a pink dress with a red shawl draped around her shoulders. She was just in time to see her sister's limp body in Baker arms being carried down the corridor and around the corner.

“No!” She cried out, her gazed moved to Ryde, who had slumped his back and turned away from the sight of Izzy’s body.
Victoria marched down to the prince, hitting her fists against his back, “I thought you said… I thought you said you would protect her!” she cried. Her body fell down, her dress covering the ground as she fell onto her knees.

Ryde sobbed softly, her words reminded him of his own, his heart was slowly breaking inside of him.
“I’m sorry Princess Victoria… I couldn’t keep that promise… She--” His hand covered his eyes as he hide his face from her, “She died because I let my guard down,”

The prince ran his hands through his hair and turned to Victoria, his gaze avoiding her face as he couldn’t look at her, since she did share the same face as the woman he had come to love.

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