Meeting and an Explanation

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I was practically bouncing in my seat. I was finally gonna meet my American friend in real life! We'd talked about her coming to Australia or me going to America, but neither of us had money to just up and leave.

Pretty soon we pulled into her driveway (thanks to my knowing her address). I opened the Implala's door and got out. Sam and Dean followed. I trudged up the walkway, and up the snow covered cement steps. I took a deep breath, clentched my hand into a fist, and wrapped on the door. A couple seconds went by and I watched as a fairly short woman with long brown hair opened the door. I recognised her as Brylie's mom, having seen photos. She saw me and called for Brylie, knowing who I was from photos, too. 

"Coming Mom!" Brylie shouted from what looked like upstairs. We waited a couple more seconds and she came down the stairs. 

"What is it M-" She stopped herself, looking at me and realising who I was. Her eyes widended. "T..Taytay (that's her nickname for me)?"

"Hey Brybry (my nickname for her)." I said as casually as possible, although it came out kind of choked. I studied her features. Blonde hair that went down to the base of her neck and her hazel eyes. She had long arms and legs. She looked like she was built to run, anthough she hated running. 

Sam cleared his throat, obviously feeling kind of awkward. 

She came running towards me and nearly knocked me over with an embrace. I hugged her back, happy to finally meet. We hugged for a couple seconds and I realized she was hugging me so tight I could barely breathe.

"Can't breathe Brybry." I said, using the rest of my air. She came back up from hugging me.

"Sorry. It's just I'm so happy you're here." She smiled. "With Sam and Dean, no less." She looked at them. "I was beginning to wonder if you were coming back."

"Yeah well we're here." Dean said sarcastically.

"Come inside guys." She said, scooting out of the way. "You must be very cold Taytay." 

We followed her inside and downstairs, where their gas fireplace was lit. I sat by it, enjoying the new warmth. She set a blanket next to me while Sam and Dean sat down on the tan couch. She sat in the armchair across from the Winchesters. Cass teleported in, but it didn't scare me as much this time. He sat down next to Sam and Dean, looking at Brylie.

 Sam nudged Dean. "Remember the witch case we worked here." He asked. Dean nodded. 

"So Taytay,  how much have they explained to you?" Brybry questioned.

"Not much." I said, recalling the very little info I was given.

"So," she started, "Sam and Dean were thrown back into our universe, and the portal that Baltazar used the first time didn't work. And they need us to get back. They needed two teen girls with knowledge of how to kill monsters. I guess the angels have had an eye on us and knew that we could help. One of the key components to the new portal is Rowena's blood, which obviously, isn't something easily accessible to the Winchesters. So it's up to us to gain Rowena's trust by pretending to want to learn whitchcraft, and get some of her blood to help Sam and Dean. You in?" 

I looked at her blankly, still trying to absorb all the information I had just been given. Eventually I nodded slowly, knowing that I wanted to help.

- actual photos of our necklaces



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