Colby Brock: He finds out you have a secret talent

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"What is this?" Colby asked, walking into the living room with a small notebook.

"Oh," you said, "that's just some pieces of writing. Like poems and quotes."

"Can I read some?" He said, plopping down beside you.

"Yea," you nodded, "be my guest."

His icy blue eyes,
reminded me
Of the waves,
That filled my heart
And the darkness
Of the caves.

"Was this about me?" He said, looking up.

You smile, "Yes."

"It's beautiful, I never knew you could write like this," he said jumping up from the couch.

"It's no big deal," you spoke, "and it's not even my best work."

"Its talent," he grabbed your hand, pulling you up from the couch, and twirling you around, "My girl is too perfect and pure for this world."

You laughed, kissing his lips.

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