Colby Brock: Beach Date

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"Colby?" You snuggle up behind your boyfriend who's working on editing this weeks video. You've noticed he's been stressed the past few days and you want to plan a cute date to cheer him up.

"Yes honey," he smiles, looking up at you, and back at the screens immediately going back to editing his video.

"You almost done, you've been in here for three hours. I don't want you to strain yourself," you say, rubbing on his shoulders. He sighs in pleasure, enjoying the massage on his stressed back and shoulders.

"Yeah, I just need to add sound effects and the intro music." He says.

"Once your done, would you like to go on a date to the beach? You've been in your room all day and I think it would be good for you to go outside and get some sun," you say.

"Actually," he swivels his chair around so he's facing you, "that sounds like a great idea. Give me a half hour and we'll go?"

You shriek with joy, jumping up and down. Colby laughs at your cuteness, and swivels back to his desk to finish editing.

"I'm gonna get some towels and our swimsuits ready," you say excitedly, running out of his room to pack.

After a half hour of you getting ready and Colby editing his video, you both are ready to leave for your beach date.

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