Sam Golbach: Beach Date

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"Sam!" You yelled, grabbing your tote bag filled with snacks and drinks for the beach, "are you ready yet?"

You and your boyfriend Sam were planning a beach date to celebrate the first day of summer.

"Hold on honey, I'm looking for the sunscreen. You know how bad I'll burn in the sun without it." Sam laughs as he's searching cabinets to try and find the sunscreen.

You remanence over the last time you went to the beech with Sam. He forgot the sunblock and was as red as a tomato for two weeks. It was tiresome for you since it was so hard to cuddle with him, as every part of him was in pain.

"Oh," you exclaim, "you mean this?"

You stand beside him holding up the bottle of sunscreen. Laughing, he pulls you in for a hug.

"What would I do without you." Sam kisses your forehead.

"I ask myself the same thing," you smile, "but can we go now? I don't want to miss out on getting a good spot."

"Okay," Sam says, "last one to the car is a rotten egg!"

You both hurry towards the front door of your apartment, fighting over the keys to open the door. You tickle Sam's side, causing him to fall over. Grabbing the keys out of his hands, you open the front door and run to the car as fast as you can. Sam follow after you, frowning in defeat.

"I win," you say, planting a kiss on his cheek, "now let's go!"
Hi guys🥺 I'm back :)

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