Cameron Dallas

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I sighed as I began to wipe clean the last table at the diner I worked at. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind my job, but it was rather late and I was just looking forward to getting home and relaxing.

It was getting close to closing time, but then I saw two boys who looked around their early 20s or late teens walk in. I sighed and walked up to them to bring them to a table. One of them caught my eye however. He had on black jeans and one of those Thrasher shirts I've been seeing everywhere. He had almost a carefree vibe to him. I liked it.

"What can I get for you today?", I asked politely.

The other boy was a blonde with blue eyes. He was sporting sweatpants and a Nike hoodie.

"Uhhh, can I get one of those burger melts and fries, oh and a sprite?"

"Of course, and for you?", I turned to the boy who had caught my attention earlier. He wasn't too bad on the eyes...

"Uh yeah, can I have a sprite as well and do you guys have pizza?"

"Yeah we have pizza, anything else?" I looked up at him and he was either in deep thought or he was staring at me.

"Nope, that's it", he answered blankly.

I put their orders in and proceeded to get them their drinks. As I walked over I noticed the blonde one wasn't there.

"Sorry he's in the bathroom", the brunette boy said.

"Oh, that's okay", I replied with a grin as I put their drinks down.

As I was about to walk away I felt a hand on my wrist. I turned around and faced the boy.

"How come I've never seen you around here, are you new here?", he said.

"As a matter of fact I am I just moved here two weeks ago. My dad got relocated because of work", I stated.

"I figured. I would've remembered someone like you", he smirked.

I looked down in an attempt to hide myself blushing a little at the statement.

"I'm Cameron by the way", he said.

"I'm y/n", I said with a small smile.

"Orders up!", I heard the chef from the kitchen yell.

I went over to get the food and on my way I saw the other boy go back to the table. I took the tray and brought it over.

"Ok, here we go", I said as I gave the boys their food.

"Thank you", the blonde one said.

"Yeah, thank you", the boy who I've come to know as Cameron said while giving me a look I could only perceive as flirtatious.

"Y-yeah no problem". I cursed myself for stuttering and went back to the kitchen area to write out the bill.

Soon enough the two boys were done with their food. I cleared the table and brought over their bill.

They both payed separately for their meals, and Cameron handed the bill to me with a smile. I returned the smile and began to walk away when, again, I felt a hand on my wrist.

"You know, since you're new around here maybe one day I could show you around", he said smoothly.

A smile immediately tugged at my lips as I let out a chuckle.

"We'll see", I said as I looked into his eyes. Wow they're beautiful.

"Ok, well just for safe measures I think it'd be a good idea to give me your number so I could set something up", he said coyly.

I bit my lip and pretended to be concentrated in thought.

"Hm, you know maybe that would be a good idea".

He smiled and gave me his phone. I put my contact in and gave him his phone back.

"Well, I will be sure to text you about when we will have this tour of a craphole we call this town", he said.

I chuckled and said an okay.

"I should get going but, it was really nice meeting you y/n", he smiled and showed a set of very nice teeth.

"It was nice meeting you too",  I said with a smile.

Him and his friend waved goodbye, and left. I smiled as I walked over to the table they had been at and wiped it down. I felt my phone buzz and looked down at the text from an unknown number.

"How's tomorrow sound :) ?"

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