Chapter II

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Dean was bleeding,it was pretty bad. The blood drops were falling down his body.
"Dean,you're gonna be ok" Cas said,but he didn't believe his words... he would repeat it over and over again,trying to convince himself that everything will be ok. But it was all pointless...
Dean didn't belive him either,but he mumbled"I know".
He didn't want to freak Cas out. He knew he'll die,the wound was big,he'll bleed to death. In that moment,he blacked out.

Dean saw some kind of light. Pure, blessed,heartwarming light.
He was confused,but he wasn't afraid...
Suddenly,there was no light anymore,it was all darkness. It looked like a room,but without windows,or doors. Just darkness,and a mirror. He looked at it,and he saw himself,but not his body,his soul. That blackness,emptiness.
But again,he saw what he wanted to see...

And then he realised he was in his parents' house in Kansas now. He walked down the hall to the kitchen. He saw his mother.She was standing in the kitchen,washing dishes. Her long blonde hair was tied in ponytail. She looked alive and happy. He couldn't belive it. Dean thought it was some kind of trap or something. So he came to her,slowly,suspiciously,his apple green eyes were shining, once in a while,he was happy.
"Mom" ,he whispered,but she didn't answer.
"Mom" ,he said a little louder,but he didn't get any response. He came closer to her,but when he put his hand on her shoulder, it fell through the air. He took a stepp backwards. It was heartbreaking. He was at home,his mother was alive,but he couldn't speak to her,he couldn't touch her. It all looked like a picture. Perfect,but pointless,untouchable. He felt that emptiness in his chest again. He saw what he missed in life. Ordinariness. Normal life. Everything he ever dreamed of,and everything he'll never have.

And then,it all went dark. Nothing,blackness,
emptiness. He heard voices. "Dean,you're ok?","Dean,wake up!","you're gonna be ok.."voices were louder and louder. Dean realised they  were Cas and Sam's voices. He felt like he was dreaming. It was unrealistic,it felt wrong. He couldn't die, he wasn't ready for what's coming next. Flashbacks from hell were clearer then ever. He felt knights cutting his skin. He tasted his own blood. He felt chains tearing his body apart...

He woke up. He was breathing heavy. He was alive,dazed,confused,and sad,but alive. He opened his eyes. He was in the hospital. It was all white,it was regular hospital. Nurse came in. She was pretty. She had short brown hair and warm hazel eyes... she looked nice.
"Ah,I see you're awake now,Mr. O'Donelly",she said.
"Yeah",Dean answred,a little bit confused,"what happened,I don't remember anything?"
"You were in a car crash",she said softly,"you're brothers get you here."
"Are they ok?",Dean was concerned. What if something happened to Cas or Sam?
"They're fine,just few scratches",she said,and Dean felt realese...
"Great!",he said,"where are they now???"
"Um,I really have no idea",she blushed.
"Can I use a phone?",Dean asked.

He was consurned that red-heded woman will come back for them... she was dangerous,she was well trained,and obviously she knew about the Man of Letters. Who is she? Maybe a demon,another rogue Angel?

...I know it took me long,I saw few people were reading this,so I just wanted to apologize,life's hard and I'm lazy...

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