Redtale part 2

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            Red of the Royal Guard

You walk to Red. "Heh, what is it?" Asked Red.  You ask how to get out of here. "Oh, you don't know how to get out of here?" Asked Red. You tell Red no. "Well, then follow me; I'll take you to way out that I know of." Red said. The phone rings. You answer the phone. "Finally, I've been trying to call you for hours; where have you been?!", Undyne shouted. " You're where?! how did you even get there for Hotland?!", Undyne yelled. "Well, there's  a big, gross, ultra powerful monster there. You'll get your butt kicked for sure!" Undyne yelled. Red overheard their conversation. "What did you say about me Undyne?" Red asked. "Oh, hey Red long time no see; listen I was only protecting you from the human." Undyne said. You said we're ok and, that we're heading back to Snowdin. "Ok, I'll meet you there and hurry because Papyrus has been worried sick about you. He keeps making what he calls his regretti spaghetti. It's really salty." said Undyne. "See you later, punk!" Undyne shouted. (Click) You ask Red if she's ready to go to Snowdin. "Yah, I'm ready, let's go." Red said. Walking with Red and looking at the dandelions flouting in the air fills you with DETERMINATION. (game saved) You ask Red where'd she get her sword. "Oh, you mean this. It belonged to my mom, Scarlet. She was head of the royal guard before Undyne. She was even stronger than Undyne and, more friendly to humans. She fought in the war but, she never killed a single human. She only defended herself from attacks and, if she did attack; she only disabled them. She quit royal guard when Asgore redeclared war on the humans. Then, she had fallen down of old age. I was heartbroken and alone. Then, the canine unit took care of me. They gave me a home again. They trained me to fight with weapons and magic. They had me join the royal guard. I went to my old place to get my mom's weapon, Rose Thorn, and pay my respects to her. Then, Undyne became head of the royal guard and, she personally trained me. I got stronger and stronger. She told lesser and greater dog to let me train with their sentries. They gave each gave my a small metal shield the size of my paw. On the front of them was the royal symbol and, on the back of them to was the initials W.D.G. She said that they use to belong to my mom when she was in the in royal guard and, her parents and so on and so on. She told me that they only work with my family's SOUL type. Undyne shouts "Activate royal sentries scan mode!" The shields light up and flout around me; they scan me with Red lasers. Then, they light up green and grow to my size and flout on each side of me. She said the transfer was successful, and they now belong to me. I've already Mastered them but, I never need them. Oh, we're half way there; anything else you want to ask me?" Red said. You ask Red who her dad is. "My dad... well... he is nothing like my mom. Crimson hated humans and killed countless lives in the war... He was second in command of the royal guard. When she quit; he took her place. But, he wasn't as strong as my mom. He died by a gun a human had. One bullet to his SOUL and he fell down. My mom said it was only in self-defense; he attacked the human first. That's all I know about him." Red said. "Anything else you want to know?" Red asked. You ask Red if a doctor ask for her mom's dust. " Actually, yes the royal scientist asked for my mom's dust. She called me on the phone telling me that by order of king Asgore I have to give her my mom's dust. So, not going against royalty, I did.

A couple days later, she calls telling me that my mom is alive and well and, something about the experiment was successful. At first, I thought it was too good to be true but, then my mom grabs the phone. "Red is that you? Oh, my sweet baby Red it so good to hear your voice again; the doctor said I can leave in three days. I love you soooo much sweetie pie and, I can't wait to see you again.", said Scarlet. "Here you go doc.", Scarlet said. "Thank you, I just need to run a few tests then, she can leave.", she said. "Somebody us; they're mel...", somebody screamed. Then, she hanged up; I tried calling her back but no answer. So, I wait... And wait... And wait... Three days turned to three weeks. Three weeks turned to three months. I sent her texts, emails, calls and, even letters but, no reply. I even went to Hotland and, knocked on the lab door. No answer. It's been so long since I tried to reach her. I forgot all about it; till now.", Red Said. You tell Red you know the scientist. You say her name is Dr.Alphyis. You tell her you know what happened her mom. "Wait, how do you know this",Red said. You tell her the truth is in the lab and, she will let me in. You tell her we should go to Snowdin and, see Undyne and Papyrus first. "Sure, were all most there. Just a little longer and we will be In Snowdin. I've never actually met Papyrus in person before. What's he like?", said Red. You tell Red that he's loud and proud, likes saying Neyh Heh Heh, Hates puns, love puzzles, making spaghetti and, calls himself the great Papyrus. "Wow, he sounds fun.", said Red. "We're Here.", Red said. You see a purple door with the royal symbol on it. You feel like you seen this before somewhere else. "Open royal voice command password Scarlet.", Red said. The door opened; showing a familiar cave. you remember when you found glide here. They walk all the way to Snowdin.

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