Athena Hope Fray [HP]

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Personality: Athena is truly an intelligent and witty girl, capable of many things and is definitely hands on

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Personality: Athena is truly an intelligent and witty girl, capable of many things and is definitely hands on. She's a bit of a jokester, but she's almost as good at lying and faking as Mercy though she has a lighter tone to her whereas Mercy has a darker tone, let's just say they balance each other out, one has a darker personality where the other has a lighter attitude. She's a bit of a jokester and is quite outgoing and friendly but not all the time. She's very manipulative and is persuasive, she uses her friendliness to lure people and potentially change them, so don't take her for rainbows and sunshine though she is kinder than her sister. She's cunning and sly too but makes out as a better Ravenclaw. She takes her time and doesn't mind being yelled at and she doesn't care if people are mad at her. She's quite a carefree person for the most part with a sort of elegance and pride to her. Occasionally, she'll lose her temper and either get really angry or very upset, it's never in between. She's somewhat fearless like a Gryffindor yet she doesn't harness many of the other qualities, therefore she's more like a Ravenclaw than any other. She can be very bitter and can make anyone her rival if she wants to.

Wand: Athena wields an 11 inch Cherry wand with a dragon heartstring core, exemplifying her extraordinary self-control which is required for such a duo. Like Mercy's wand, Athena's also has soft etchings though there in a more orderly pattern showing, well, order.

Affiliation: She technically has none, though she considers herself loyal to Mercy and her mother with no preference between Voldemort and Hogwarts.

Patronus: Athena's patronus is quite different from her sister's, instead, her's is an owl.

Pets: Athena shares the same pets as her sister, therefore her pets are Thorn, Chalice, Jiffy, Entropy, and Imperia. But she isn't as interested in creatures as Mercy is.

Quidditch: Yes, Athena does play for Ravenclaw's Quidditch team, and she is the Ravenclaw Seeker.

Blood Status: Half Blood

Extra Abilities: Due to her parentage, Athena is a parseltongue and an unregistered animagus which is a brown owl.

Achievements: None really unless you count being an heiress.

Crush(es): None/Open

Time Era: Same as her sister, she has never time traveled yet, and so she is from the Golden Trio Era.

Parentage: She claims her parents are Hades Fray and Lucia Fray, both proclaimed deceased and that she and her sister were brought up by their aunt, Calypso Ann Fray. But her true parents were Ash Gaunt and Harlow Ravenclaw, one was an heir to Slytherin and one an heir to Ravenclaw. Her father is deceased. And her parents hadn't even married nor did they really love each other. They rest is shown in Mercy's form.

Boggart: Athena's is also quite hard to capture, but her main fear is of failure, so the Boggart would most likely take form of Harlow Ravenclaw, her mother whom she somewhat fears.

Other: Mercy is her fraternal sister and she owns the same Time Turner as Mercy, using the same chest with the same key as shown in Mercy's form. She does own a similar diary to Mercy's, inspired by Tom's. Hers is similar though the leather cover is a pale, pastel blue, her name embroidered on the inside of the cover, the same spell used on hers to capture her own sixteen year old self just like Tom's concept. Athena is more independent than Mercy and has better self-control at times (for obvious reasons) though she does enjoy her sister's company.

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