Bad News - 6

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*???'s POV*

"Hello my fellow megalomaniacs." I smiled evilly looking at every Chara from every AU. "So... There's been rumors that a little ship has formed." I say walking around them. "Who?." A voice speaks from the crowd. "ErrorFresh." I smirked and they gasped. "OH MY GOD THATS GROSS!!!." I whipped my head to see UnderSwaps Chara... Or should I say Frisk. "WE FINISHED OFF SARAH AND WE'LL FINISH OFF THE REST!!!." I yell and slam my fist on the ground. (If you don't know who Sarah is she's the Frisk from TwinTale but she's a glitch and she was one of Geno's best friends and she was created by crayonsarejustlikeyou on tumblr.)

*Dream's POV*

I was walking to Grillbys when a voice that I would rather not hear rang through snowdin. "Hello Dream." I stopped dead in my tracks. "Which Chara are you?." I asked coldly. "UnderTales. But what does that matter?." I could hear the smile on her face and I turned to face her. "What do you want? do you want to kill me? or everyone but me? I've been on this train before." I stated with a angry expression. "Ha ha. Well. I'm here to give you a message." Chara steps closer and I back away. "Tell Error and Fresh that I'm coming for them." She looks down and swings her knife up. "And I will crush them like I crushed Sarah." She says evilly and at that moment I snap. "I WILL NEVER LET YOU GET AWAY WITH THIS!!!." I yelled and she smiled. "What happened to you Dream? you went from cheerful to angry just. Like. That." She snaps and give me her famous grin. "You will not get away with this." I say more calmly. "Oh. But I already have." She says and disappears. "Crap." I whisper and teleport to InkTale.

*Blue's POV*

"Hey little Blue." I hear and drop the plate of tacos I had made. "Oh no." I say. "What? are you afraid because your health is so low?." She says and I turn magic blazing out of my eye. "What. Do. You. Want?." I say and I felt both my eyes flare. "Oh just to get Chara." Frisk smiles and I gasp. "You will not touch Chara you murderer." I say and run past her to Chara's room. "CHARA!!! CHARA!!!." I yell and I see her sitting on her bed. "Yeah Sans?." She asks and I panicked. "We need to leave now." I say and pick her up. "Sorry Paps." I say and teleport to the Anti-Void.

*Error's POV*

"FRESH!!!." I whine and he smirks. "What's up broski?." He asks and I groan. "Why won't you tell me what lel means?." I say and he snickers. "It's pronounced 'Lol' and why do you want to know what the radical word means?." He says and hugs me. "BECAUSE PEOPLE KEEP SAYING IT!!!." I yell and I hear him laugh. "Well if you re-." He was cut off by a loud portal noise and the sound of crying. "Hello?." I say and turn to see Blue with a sobbing Chara in his arms. "BLUE?!! WHY DID YOU BRING HER HERE?!!." I yell and he puts his hand up. "U-UnderSwap remember?." He says and lays Chara down. "Right." I say and look at Fresh. "But why did you bring her here and why is she crying?." I ask confused. "They want her to join them." He says and sits down trying to catch his breath. "Who wants her?." Fresh asks walking and sitting behind her. "Every Chara from every AU." Blue responds and I gasp. "E-ERROR!!!." A yell echoed throughout the Void. "HELLO?!!." I yell back and see two figures in the blinding white and immediately noticed them. "INK!!! DREAM!!!." I yell and run to them. "Error." Dream says on the edge of tears. "Chara said... There coming to crush you... Like they crushed... Sarah." Dream says trying to catch his breath. "What?." I feel the anger boil up in me and I screamed out. "THEY WONT HURT ANYONE!!! NOT WHILE IM STILL ALIVE!!!." I yell and Dream and Ink had this look of determination. "You guys go home and protect your AU's." I say and they nod and teleport away. "Blue, take Chara home and keep her safe, get your brothers help if you need it." I say and he nods and leaves with Chara. "Awe you really thought you could save them?." I froze and turned to see Chara holding a knife to Fresh's neck. "Please don't." I whisper tears in my eyes. "Error. Now when have I ever cared about your opinion?." She says and laughs. "Any last words parasite?." She grins down on Fresh and he looks at me. "I LOVE YOU ERROR!!!." He yells and Chara slits his throat. "NOOO!!!." I yell and watch him turn to dust. "You. You. YOUR GONNA PAY FOR THAT!!!." I feel the tears run down my face. "Ink." I say through the walkie talkie that he gave me. "Yeah?." He responds back. "G-get as many Sans's as you can here now. Fresh. Has fallen down."

Sorry for the cliff hanger. DONT WORRY IM WRITING ANOTHER RN!!!

A Glitch And A Parasite (ErrorFresh)Where stories live. Discover now