Chapter 1: Slaves and Outlanders

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Author's Note: This chapter begins the Star Wars portion. There'll be different portions throughout the story, and also some portions where the two are interlaced. Also, this chapter begins the Huttese conversations. To those of you who have never seen Star Wars (shame on you! just kidding!), Huttese is one of the main languages spoken on the planet Tatooine. You might not get it at first because seeing as I don't know Huttese, I can't translate all that they say into that language. Some conversations will be half in Huttese, half in English (or Basic, as they call it). Again, I own nothing but Sarah.

Chapter 1: Slaves and Outlanders

"Sarah! Sarah, wake up!"

A hand shook Sarah gently but urgently, trying desperately to wake her. Sarah, meanwhile, was trapped in a nightmare, unable to escape. Thrashing and crying, she fought to free herself and finally broke through the surface of the dream. Her breath came in shuddering gasps as she snapped her eyes open and looked wildly around the room. Sitting right in front of her was a sandy-haired boy with ice blue eyes, gazing at her in concern.

"Sarah?" he asked. "Are you all right?"

Sarah didn't answer; she sat there and tried hard not to cry, without much success. Finally she broke, and sobs shook her tiny body as the boy hugged her close, trying desperately to calm her.

"Shh...shh..." he soothed, gently rocking her back and forth. "It's all right. It was only a dream. You're safe." After a few moments, the sobs slowly stopped, and Sarah pulled back, tears staining her cheeks.

"I-I'm sorry, Ani," she said in a high, quavering voice. "I had that dream again."

The boy looked at her, worry now creeping into his young features. "You mean that one with the red-haired woman and the cloaked man?"

Sarah nodded, her long dark red hair falling in front of her face. "It was clearer this time, the most vivid it's ever been. I could see two kids there, too - twins, I think - and...o-one of them had my name."

The boy's eyes widened in surprise. He opened his mouth to say something, but before he could get any words out another voice rang through the small hovel. "Anakin! Sarah! Get up please!"

Anakin turned back to Sarah and gave her another hug. "Don't worry about it right now. We'll sort it out later. I promise."

Just then, a young woman walked into the bedroom. "Anakin, Sarah, get up! You're going to be late!" The woman was Shmi Skywalker, mother of nine-year-old Anakin and guardian of seven-year-old Sarah. Her dark brown hair, pulled back into a braided bun, was just beginning to show hints of gray, and her tanned face was lined with wrinkles. Her beautiful brown eyes flashed with annoyance as she came in, but it quickly changed to concern when she took in Sarah's tear-stained face. "Is everything all right?"

"Sarah had another nightmare," Anakin quietly explained, and Sarah looked down, suddenly extremely interested in a stain on the blanket. Shmi sat down in front of her and tilted her head up with her hand.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Shmi asked kindly, but Sarah shook her head. Shmi pursed her lips before hugging Sarah close to her. "Then don't worry about it too much. It was only a dream."

Sarah pulled back and smiled. Shmi returned the smile and kissed her on the forehead. Suddenly she sat up straight and glanced at the chronometer on the wall. "Oh my goodness!" she exclaimed. "You two need to get to Watto's! He's not going to be happy if you show up late." She stood up and hugged both children. "Stay safe," she said, and after pulling on their shoes, the two kids walked out into the streets.

The twin suns blazed over the streets of Mos Espa, a tiny village on the desert planet of Tatooine. It was early but the day was already hot, meaning it would be positively stifling later. Sarah quickly pulled her hair back into a style similar to Shmi's as they walked in silence.

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