Chapter 10 - "I'm off to face my death."

Start from the beginning

"It looks too good. Do you have anything a little more ugly? Perhaps something that has one or two stains on it and is the color puce?" he said.

"I thought about that, but Poppy would just make me change outfits with her in the bathroom and you know her's would look worse than mine."

"Wait, Poppy will be there?"

"Yup, on her own date. Though I expect it's just to make sure I don't spill, spit or slap my date. Which is a real bummer because I was planning on doing all three to bring the date to a quick end."

"Well Aims, at least now you will learn your lesson about not agreeing to whatever Poppy suggests."

Charlie placed his hands on her shoulders, his voice taking on a lecturing tone.

"The next time she does try to make you agree to something I advice you cover your ears, close your eyes and run away. If you happen to hit a wall and fall unconscious, all the better. You can't agree to do stupid things when your unconscious."

"Or in a coma."   


They both exchanged laughing smiles and Amelia's shoulders relaxed.   

"What about you? Where is your hot date for the night?" she asked.

"Already in my room."

Amelia raised her eyebrows in a scandalized expression.

"Yup, no one knows how to make me happy quite like my bed."

"At least one of us will find happiness tonight," Amelia laughed.

"That's exactly right. Don't think that even if he's good looking you can bring him home."

"Charlie, if good looks was all it took for me to like someone, I would have fallen for Reynolds long ago. But you know me. It takes more than a handsome face to make me swoon."

"Yeah, but sometimes good looks can make you forget yourself."

Amelia placed a consoling hand on her brother's shoulder and stared at him intently.

"If he's good looking, I promise I'll spill a drink on him and be home before you know it."

The smile Charlie pulled out was a wonderful blend of pride and amusement.

"So what do you think?" Amelia said, stepping back.

"Like I should have knocked you out before you could agree to this date."

"I completely agree."


A man exiting the bar held open the heavy wooden door for Amelia. Laughter joined hands with boisterous voices, making the restaurant ring with a good natured feeling of friendship. The subtle scent of alcohol tangled together with the smell of fried food and wafted through the air, hanging heavy around large groups of uproarious customers. Tall tables and stools filled the main portion of the area, while booths with high, leather backs lined the walls.

Amelia zig zagged through the tumult of voices, searching for Poppy. A hand reached out and pulled her up short. Spinning, Amelia found Poppy smiling behind her.

"Hey, I'm surprised you came, I had a sinking feeling you ditch tonight," Poppy said, raising her voice so she was heard over the frat boys current chant of chug chug chug.

"The thought had crossed my mind. Why in the world did you choose this place?" Amelia asked, leaning into Poppy.

"I didn't. He suggested it."

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