Christmas <SF9 Special>

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A/N: So this is kind of like a series... ? Well idk. So this is like the preview but anyways you'll find out your 'results' tmr! :)


You got out of bed. It was an early Christmas morning. You were racing down the stairs so that you would be the first one.

But unexpectedly, you saw the 9 boys sitting around the table.

"Y/N! Up already? It's only 6am," Inseong says.

"Yeah. So early," someone chimes in.

You stared at them weirdly.

But the even weirder thing was that all 10 of you were living under the same roof. You were the only girl and they were the 9 boys.

"Don't you realize that YOU'RE all up too???" You exclaimed at them. They just stare and shrug.

You went over to the christmas tree to see your presents but someone grabbed your wrist...

A/N (2): Lemme say this one more time. So, basically you can decide who you want to stay with. You'll probably understand, tmr :)

Anyways I think I should be able to update the next 9 chapters, each on a separate member, by tmr. I hope you enjoy thissss >.<


SF9 ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora