Your number, please (Hwiyoung)

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You see a tall figure walking down the hallway. You immediately recognizes it was Hwiyoung. You had a secret crush on him since you were 14. Now, you were both 18 years old. You suddenly remembered what your friend asked you to do for her-

"Kim HwiYoung!" you yelled from across the hallway.

Hwiyoung stops to look back. "Yes?"

"My friend wanted your number," you say. It was your 1st time talking to him without counting school related work.

"Why? I don't even know who she is."

"Well, my friend asked me to ask you," you managed to say without blushing since you were also going to get his phone number.

"Is that an excuse?" He asked, looking away.

"Anniya. Why would I lie?" Realizing you might get it, you turn to leave.

He firmly grips your arm. "I-I'll give it to you."

You smile widely showing your teeth.

"You should smile all the time! You look so pretty!" He says, grinning.

You blush intensely. This was your first compliment from him.

"It's ###-####," he says. You take out your phone and saves it.

"What's yours?" he ask, scratching his head and looking away.

You smile again and gives him your number.

"See you?" you ask.

"Y/N-ah d-don't leave yet. I want to ask you something."


"Be my girl."

You were speechless. Your hand covering your opened mouth.

"Are you joking?" you asked quietly.

Hwiyoung shakes his head no.

A drop of tear fell onto the floor. Another one then another one.

"I-I hate you!"

He grips your arm and wraps you in a tight hug.

"I was just joking," he breathed.

He lifts up your face and wipe your tears. "So, you like me, too?" he asks, smiling.

You slowly nodded. "I've liked you since 4 years ago."

He laughs. "Well, I've liked you longer. So you will be my girl right?"

Your eyes widened. "Yes."

He lifts up your chin and kisses you.


You dated for a few more years and married Hwiyoung when you were both 24 years old. You had your first kid with him 1 year later. The child's name was Kim (you decide).

A/N: .___. I took the SHSAT today and I'm legit praying so hard right now. I'm probably going to spend the next 6 months crying and praying ;-;

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