If you chose INSEONG, read this

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You went over to the christmas tree to see your presents but someone grabbed your wrist...

You were about to turn around but the grip was hard.

"Don't move for a sec," the voice said.


"W-Why?" you stammered.

"Just do it...please," he continued.

You were confused but you did as you were told. He lets go pf your wrist. Then youfelt something cold being wrapped around your neck.

"You can move now," he says. "Do you like it?"

You looked down at the pendant. It was silver and a heart was hanging. You were speechless.

"Its real," he whispers.

"Inseong. Thank you. Thank you so much," you finally said.

"It's nothing," he responds, smiling widely.

You turned around but you felt another hand on top of yours. Then you realized Inseong had interlocked his hand with yours.




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