Just Childhood Friends...? (Taeyang)

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You have been friends with Taeyang for the past 10 years. He was just 3 years older than you but that didn't stop you from loving him even when he had a girlfriend...

"Is Y/N at school today?" Taeyang asks as he enters your classroom.

"Anni," someone answers.

"Aish, I had to give something to her," Taeyang says.

You were in the bathroom, chatting with your friends. When you looked at your phone, there was a text from Taeyang.

Taeyang: where r u

You: bathroom, y?

Taeyang: gotta give u smthing ._. come to the roof

You: kk, i'll be there asap


"What did he needed to give me?" You ask yourself. "I didn't let him borrow anything, right?"

You sighed thinking about your one sided love. Taeyang was still with his girlfriend. You didn't see them as much as you used to but you thought they were still going strong.

You arrived at the rooftop door. It was open and you see Taeyang. You were about to walk in but you see his girlfriend with him so you decide to wait. They seemed like they were talking about something important.

You decide to sit by the steps, covering you from their views. A few moments later, his girlfriend rushes out furiously. She shoots you a glare when she left.

Immediately you go to Taeyang. His back was facing towards you.

"What happened," you ask.

Surprised, Taeyang looks around. "Ah, it's you, Y/N."

"She looked mad," you whispered.

"Yeah. We broke up."


"She wasn't the one..."

"What do you mean...?" You ask looking at him into the eyes.

"I'm such an idiot," he says at last.

"No you're not!" You defend quickly.

"Oh really? She was right in front of me the whole time."

"Who?" You ask.

"The one for me," he says.

"Who?" You ask again. You began listing names of classmates.

"Anni," he breathes. "It's-

"Yes?" You say, interrupting him.

"You," he finished. "I like you."

You were surprised. Taeyang would invite you to go to places and his girlfriend would always eventually find you guys hanging out. And you were always the third wheel.

"I'm serious. Do you want to be my girlfriend?" He asks you with hopeful yet saddened eyes. "I love you, not in our brother-sister kind but the romantic kind."

"Y-yes," you stutters.

"To be honest, I've kind of always liked you," he says, chuckling. "But I never knew if you liked me or not? So, do you really?"

"Yes! You don't understand how many times I've gotten jealous," you say with a pouty face.

Taeyang blushes. "Well, you don't have to worry about being jealous. You're the only one for me."

Taeyang interlocks your hand with his. You squeezed his hands making him laugh.

You both stared at each other's eyes. You smiled happily.

You both came closer to each other and kissed. 

"You're my first kiss," you both say afterwards.

You walk down the stairs holding each other's hands and it had became obvious that you two were a thing.


(You decide your future :))

A/N: I have 3 tests this week. *sighs* FML .___.

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