Chapter Thirty-Two: Unedited

Start from the beginning

"Did you seriously just do that?" Allie asked, resting her head against her knees. "Yes" I laughed, reaching my hand over and putting it on her back, rubbing gently. "Hey Allie.. do you want to go to Marble head?"

~~~~(**Allie's P.o.V**)~~~~

"That's where my house was" I told Sam, pointing at the plot. A new house was built on top of it, big and white in all it's glory. The people living there probably knew about mom, dad, and Ian. But not about all the memories I had there.

"We use to spend Christmas in Aspen, so we would have early Christmas. The day before we left for the lodge, Ian and I would wake up at the crack of dawn and run into our parents bedroom. We would scream, bang pots and pans, anything to wake them up. They would draw it out, mom saying she would take no pictures without putting make-up on and then dad making us eat breakfast because unwrapping presents was a work-out" I said, mainly to myself.

Sam stayed quiet, just holding my hand and driving around the neighborhood. I really wasn't looking forward to going to my parents grave, but I needed to do it.

We drove for a few more minutes in silence, me biting my lip and watching familiar houses pass while Sam drove. I was thinking about everything. How i'd run away from my aunt and uncles because Sam was there. Ruby would throw a fit, and everyone'd be worried that we where leaving the country or something else.

Finally, we pulled up to the graveyard and I looked over at Sam. "Do you want to go alone?" He asked gently, taking his leather jacket off. Nodding, I took his jacket and slipped it around my shoulders and stepped out of the car.

I remembered this place, the smell, the feeling, the strange comfort. Clutching the flowers in my hand, I felt the needles of the roses digging into my palm but didn't pull my hand away. I needed the pain to know this was real, and I was safe.

Walking away from the car, I started toward the 3 plots side by side at the edge of the grave yard. I picked it because it was under a big oak tree, shaded from the rest of the yard. Walking to the three matching plots, I sunk to the ground and leaned my head back trying to control the tears.

"Hi mom, dad, Ian" I said quietly, closing my eyes and reaching my hand out to touch the cold stone of my mothers head stone.

Emily Anderson,

Best mother in the world, I'll miss you mommy.

It read, and I remembered all the crumpled pieces of paper covered in other words. "I'm living with Ruby now, she's nice. I-I have a boyfriend. Well, a mate actually." I chuckled, letting the tears spill down my cheeks, not wiping them away.

"You'd like him, dad. You'd be the best of friends, I think he'd like you more than me actually" I said, letting a shuddering breath escape. "You could take him fishing like you did with Ian" I whispered, reaching up and wiping my eyes with Sam's leather jacket.

Toby Anderson,

The best God damn fisherman in the world.

"I miss you two so much" I sobbed, squinting my eyes trying to imagine his laugh, but I couldn't. And it made me angry, that I could remember his favorite shirt color and moms perfume but not their laughs. "I miss those embarrassing ties you use to wear to work every Friday, dad. Using the excuse it was casual Friday. I miss those P.T.A meetings you would host at the house, mom. And how you wouldn't let Ian or me eat any of the cookies until the meeting was over" I sobbed, reaching out and gripping my fathers headstone trying to steady myself.

I sat like that for a while, crying and telling them things that had happened to me since they passed. Finally, I moved over to Ian's and stared at his headstone.

Ian Anderson,

Owned the biggest collection of shot glasses that he never used.

"Ian, I don't care if your alive or dead. You're still my brother, a-and family is forever" I sobbed, pulling a rose out and placing it on his grave. I placed the other two on my parents graves, standing to leave when I heard his voice;

"Did you forget their laugh?" Ian asked, and I turned around to see Ian standing there with his hands in his pockets. "Yes" I admitted, turning back to look at their graves. "I remember dads jokes, and his favorite movie and song and how he drank his coffee but not his laugh." Ian told me, walking over. "Black with a ton of sugar" I smiled in remembrance, leaning my head against his shoulder and wiping the tears off my cheeks.

"And mom, I remember her favorite movie, song, and her favorite pair of shoes but not her laugh" Ian said, and I heard his voice crack. He slipped his arm around my shoulder and I nodded.

"I love you, Ian" I whispered, closing my eyes and letting them run down my cheeks "I love you, Allie. I'll keep my promise to protect you"

"Always and forever"



Am I the only one who cried reading this chapter? The love between her family no matter how disfunctional it was, had me crying as I wrote it. Okay, I gave you another hint on what Sam's big presant is, does anyone have a clue? I want.. 35 gueses in the comments before I publish the next chapter

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