Chapter six: Castle Black

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Adela's POV

I woke up enjoying the white scenery. I breathed deeply the fresh air and exhalled ,my breath being visible by the coldness. I got up and saw that my dragons were still asleep. I went near Rhaellia's ear and whispered.

''Good morning. Come on. Rise and shine.'' I whispered sweetly to Rhaellia's and Aelion's ear. After a while they both woke up. I let them wake up for a while and then started for the wall. I hoped on Aelion's back and jet off. When we arrived at the wall it was empty. The courtyard was empty. 

''They must still be sleeping.'' I said to myself and a devilish smile grew on my lips. I turned to Aelion and he got the message. He released a major roar and at less than a minute the courtyard was packed with men dressed in black, swords on their hands and terrified looks on their faces.

''What in the Seven Hells was that.....?'' a man dressed in black with black curly hair shouted but when he looked up he saw Aelion and Rhaellia froze. Beside him a big wolf started growling to Aelion and Aelion at him.

''Ghost sit down.'' the man said, not losing eye contact from them.

''Now what?'' I asked at no one in particular. They all looked at me with fear and mostly curiousity.

''Sam go get Maester Aemon.'' The black haired man said to a chubby one. Once I heard the name Aemon I froze. I looked at the black haired man and went near him looking dead serious at him in his brown eyes.

''What did you say? Did you say Aemon?'' I asked him deadly. The dragons must have felt my anger and started growling.

''Aemon Targaryen is DEAD. He died in the battlefield.'' I said with tears starting streaming in my eyes.

''Well, I don't know who told you that but I sure am pretty much alive.'' A voice said that I recognised way to well. I turned around to see an old blind man, dressed in black but his face. I could never forget.

''Uncle Aemon?'' I asked being unable to hide my shock.

''Adela? Is that you?'' he asked unsure. I ran to him and hugged him tight. He hugged me tight unable to hide our tears anymore. He was my favourite uncle and when Dad told me he died I was crying for two days. 

''Dad told me you died at the battlefield.'' I said crying at his shoulder.

''I never fought at the battlefield. When your father was crowned King I became a member of the brotherhood of the Night's Watch.'' he said,his hand going through my hair and face.

''You have turned into a beautiful young lady Adela.'' he said and he motioned me to go after him. I turned to the others that still were looking at Aelion and Rhaellia.

''They are hungry. If you don't want to be eaten alive I advice you to feed them and be Careful.'' I said to the Night's Watch and they all turned to look at me with a look that said ''Are you kidding me?''. Aelion and Rhaellia on the other hand seemed to enjoy the attention and the fear. I suppose they were smirking.

''Be nice.'' I said to them before I follow Uncle Aemon inside. I saw him sitting on a chair inside a big library. The library was full of books and maps and many other things. 

''So Adela, will you tell me what happened to you?'' he asked me. I took a sit next to him and explained everything. About Aelius, slavery,the meeting with my dragons and with my long lost sister.

'' I am glad that you two found each other. A Targaryen alone in the world is a cruel thing,'' he said and got up. He went towards a shelf and took out something big. It was covered in a black cloth and I couldn't see exactly what it was but I think it is a sword. He put it down on the table and took off the cloth revealing a massive sword that shone bright. On his holder was carved the name of our family.

''This was passed down to generations. It was passed down to me and I kept it here thinking it would be useful to me but fortunately it wasn't. Now it is yours. You are a princess. You ought to have a sword. It made of Valyrian steel so it will never fail you. '' he said. 

I took the sword and hold it up. It was heavy at first but than it was manageable. I gratefully took it and we exited the room.

I know it sucks but I am sort off stuck. I try to think what they would do and other things. Anyhow, thanks for reading my story and don't forget to vote and comment. 

Peace out.

Adela Targaryen (Game Of thrones Fanfiction) (ON HOLD)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن