Chapter three: Rumors

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Adela was finally happy. She didn't have much of a family but at least she had her dragons. Not long after the birth of the first dragon another was hatched. A white one with lilac eyes. She named the white one Rhaellia, from her beloved mother and the other one Aelion, from her savior. They were young and she was worried about them. She consider them family and she wasn't going to let ayone take her family away from her. 

She spent days trying to teach them how to cook their own food and put a fire up. She would hunt their food down and then the little ones woud cook it. She knew they were dragons but she couldn't look at them like visious, killing machines. They hadn't moved since the day she camped there but at night she would hear voices and she decided to move so they aren't found. She put her hood on and took the dragons on her hands. She got up on the horse and started riding. She was riding day and night when she arrived at a city. She covered her dragons with her cloak. She was going around the market looking for something to buy. Mostly food. She stopped at a bench with fruits. She stopped and looked at the owner,probably,of this bench.

''Excuse me. Can I ask which city this is?'' She asked sweetly.

''This is Pentos.'' the man said with a deep voice. He has black hair and brown eyes. His black beard gave him a kind on intimace and he big belly seemed that he must be wealthy or something.

''Are you going to buy anything or are you going stand there?'' he shouted at her and her dragons started hissing. She calmed them down and nodded. She took out the bag of money she had and bought some apples. As she was going back to her horse she heard people whispering.

''So Targaryens still exist. I thought they were all dead but no.'' a voice said and Adela started to speed up her pace.

''I heard that a Targaryen girl and her dragons conquered the city of Qarth and they are headed to Meereen'' another voice said and the news came to her so suddenly that she stopped abruptly. Another Targaryen? Her Dragons? She unconsciously brought her dragons closer to her body.

''Yeah... She is called the Mother of Dragons. Daenerys Stormborn is her real name.'' the voice said. Daenerys? That is the name her mother was going to give to her unborn child before the invasion. Without any more wait Adela all joy climbed her horse and started riding towards Meereen. When the city was out of site she release her dragons and they flew above her. She was so happy that nothing cared her anymore than to find her baby sister. Her hood fall out of her head and revealed her silver hair that some of them were braided. As the wind was going through her hair she urged the horse to go faster. 

''Faster!'' she shouted to the horse and it sped forward. The valley was clear. No trees, just grass.

She felt free. She felt happy and she shared it. While the horse was runing the dragons above were enjoying themselves. They were trying to catch each other. Adela looked at her babies and laughed. The way she felt was a new thing for her. She felt free, an emotion so common but priceless. She hadn't felt like this for years. 

At a point the horse got tired and they had to stop. Her dragons had grown so much. They were still small but not long before they reach the horse on size.

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