Comments: Tell us about her!

Brendon: Well Uh... Shes really pretty and cool... I mean... Ugh i really don't know how to explain.

I watch him talk, not even saying anything. His so cute! After Live ends i look outside the window. Its snowing! finally! I walk out of the house and jump around as snow is falling on my face. Y/bFF walks out too and makes a snow angel.

I get a text from Brendon ''Hey its finally snowing! are you out somewhere or in the house?''. I quickly type ''I'm outside my house, if you want we can go somewhere together'' i get response pretty fast ''Yeah I'm gonna bring my friend is that fine?''.  ''Yeah sure i'm gonna bring Y/BFF, park?'' I bite my lip while waiting for response ''Yeah see ya'' I put my phone in my pocket and ask Y/BFF if she wants to come.

''Yeah!'' is her short answer, we start walking to the park. We see Brendon And his.... friend.... DALLON! ''Hey Y/N, hey Y/BFF meet my friend Dallon'' Brendon says looking at me and Y/BFF. ''Hey I'm Dallon'' He says and looks at me ''Hi i'm Y/N! this is Y/BFF'' I look at Dallon. ''Hiiiiiii!!!!'' Y/BFF starts fangirling. ''Dallon Y/N is my girlfriend'' Brendon  Smiles and looks at Dallon.

Dallon smiles while looking at me. I throw snowball at Brendon ''Haha!'' I laugh and hide behind a tree.I think i hid well but i was wrong, i get hit by a snowball. ''Got ya!'' I hear Dallon's voice.

Dallon's POV

Y/N was so pretty, But shes taken and by Brendon, my friend. Brendon hits me whit a snowball ''Hey!'' I make a snowball and throw it into Brendon's face but I miss and it hits Y/BFF. ''THIS IS A FIGhT ThEN!'' Y/BFF says loudly and throws snowball at me and Brendon.

After the snowball fight we decide to go drink coffee, we go to Starbucks and grab coffee. ''So cold!'' Y/N says and hugs Brendon. ''Shit! I have to go Y/N your coming? look what time it is! its late'' Y/BFF says and grabs Y/N's hand. ''Yeah, Yeah i'm coming! Bye Brendon! Bye Dallon!'' They walk away. ''Soo... Did you like her?'' Brendon says.

''Huh?!'' I look at Brendon whit confused look ''I said did you like her, like isnt she cool?'' Brendon Repeats. ''Oh right... Yeah shes pretty cool'' Brendon smiles as i say say these words.

Time Skip


I wake up late. I get dressed and walk downstairs seeing Dallon! and Y/BFF talking! '' Oh hey Y/N'' Dallon notices me ''Hey Dallon Hey Y/BFF'' I smile and grab cereal. ''Hi'' Y/BFF smiles and continues talking whit Dallon.

I grab a bowl and grab milk. I pour milk and cereal in the bowl ''So is Brendon Here or only you Dallon?'' I ask Dallon and sit down in the living room and start eating the cereal.

''Nope just me!'' Dallon smiles at me ''Okay''.  Y/BFF stands up and makes herself coffee, while making herself coffee she asks us if we wanted coffee as well ''No thanks Y/BFF'' Dallon says whit a smile.

My phone buzzes, i look down at it and see a text ''Hey Y/N ^-^ How are you?'' its from Brendon. ''Great you?'' i reply smiling, Dallon notices my smile while i'm looking down my phone and texting. ''Who are you textin- oh wait i'm gonna guess its Brendon?''

(Woah i'm sleepy its 5:02 AM i almost typed Brandon O-O wow)

''You guessed it'' I laugh ''How did you know?'' I ask Dallon. ''The way you look at the phone'' he chuckles. My phone buzzes again ''I'm good too, so what are you doing?'' I look down. ''Nothing just talking whit Dallon, were at my place wanna come over?'' I ask Brendon. ''Yeah coming right now :)'' Beebo replies ''Brendon's coming over'' I tell the others.

After couple minutes, someone rings the door bell, i stand up and open the door seeing Brendon. ''Hey'' Brendon gives me a little kiss ''Hi!'' I kiss back. Brendon comes in '' Hey guys '' he says and looks at Y/BFF then stares at Dallon. ''Hi'' both say hello.

''So what are you guys doing?'' Brendon rushes hand through his hair and asks. ''Nothing we were just talking about random stuff'' I smile and kiss Brendon's cheek. ''So Brendon want coffee?'' Y/BFF asks Brendon and sips her coffee ''Yeah thanks'' Brendon answers. Y/BFF starts making coffee for Beebo.

After like Five minutes Y/BFF finishes making coffee, gives it to Brendon and sits down on the couch. ''Lets do something! like play Truth or Dare!'' Y/BFF smiles at everyone. ''Heh are we little kids? but i guess we can try'' Dallon agrees, Me and Brendon nod.

''Okay Truth or Dare Brendon?'' Y/BFF looks and asks Brendon ''Dare me'' Brendon smirks. ''Go and kiss Y/N on live right now!'' Y/BFF smirks as well while seeing Brendon's smirk going down. ''Fine'' I get notified that Brendon went live ''So hey guys... uh...'' Already so many people are watching. I look at his screen chat explodes! as fans see my face. Brendon turns his phone to me which means i'm showing. He kisses me and looks down the chat.

She is pretty!
She is suuu cuteh emerguddd
Did he just kiss her??? is that the girl everyone was talking about??

At least they thought i was pretty and cute i smile to myself. ''There'' Brendon looks at Y/BFF and smiles. ''Your turn Brendon'' Dallon says ''Truth or Dare Y/N?'' Brendon smiles at me ''I'm not a chicken'' i smile. ''Okay then i dare you to make popcorn for me'' He gives me an easy dare. ''Easy'' i smile, stand up and go to the kitchen, start making popcorn. ''Truth or dare Dallon?'' I ask waiting for popcorn ''Truth''.

''What is the worst thing you have ever done to someone?'' I ask Dallon and hear a sound ''Beep'' I grab the popcorn and go back to living room. Sit down next to Brendon and give him his popcorn. ''Oh hmmm... Once i poured milkshake on Brendon's head and though it would be funny but he was wearing his favorite jacket'' Dallon begins ''Well it was all over his jacket and on his hair he wanted to kill me'' He chuckles. Brendon looks at Dallon and eats popcorn ''You little shit'' Brendon laughs.

Time Skip

Its evening, Brendon stands up ''shit i have to go sorry'' Brendon kisses me. ''Okay bye, Love you!'' I say as Brendon walks to the door ''Love you too'' Brendon closes the GOD DAMN DOOR (sorry).

''So what do you guys wanna do now?'' Y/BFF finishing off Brendon's popcorn '' I don't know '' I shrug. '' I'm gonna go too its getting late'' Dallon stands up ''Oh okay Bye Dallon'' Me and Y/BFF say goodbye ''Bye thanks for having me'' Dallon smiles and leaves.

''Now lets see'' Y/BFF turns on the TV and turns on '' GOT YOU CELEBRITY !'' I sit down back on the couch and watch.

Oh Hello Everyone! I'm your host ___ and couple hours ago Brendon Boyd Urie was live on periscope for just couple of minutes? it was like 1 minute! And guess what happened there? SHOW THE CLIP.


Brendon Kisses A Girl on her lips and live ends.

And thats it! He started live like that and ended it! Its defiantly the girl from the cafe who Brendon Kissed earlier. Now Ariana Grande And Mac Miller getting Engaged? AND Justin Bieber In LOVE?

Tonight We Are Victorious < Brendon Urie x Reader >  (Complete) Where stories live. Discover now