Chapter Six.

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Jordan Pruitt as Alejandra Ivanov

Lethal: Ch. 6

"Do I have to go to work today?"

I hissed as the light from Gabriel's lamp beamed into my eyes. "You're already here so why complain?" He rolled his eyes at me and chuckled. "And no sleeping on the job, you idiot." Gabriel whacked me on the back of my head and I let out a growl.

"Easy there, tiger. Do I need to go get your master to tame you?" He snorted. "Oh yeah?" I smirked. "And just who would that be?" I raised a brow as I rubbed my eyes free from any evidence of sleepiness. "You know who I'm talking about." Gabe tilted his head as he walked back to his desk. "Oh yeah?" I chuckled as I sat, leaning back in my chair.

"Mr. Viconatti."

My smirk fell as I rolled my eyes, turning away from Gabe, ignoring the burning of my cheeks. "That's a lie and you know it." I muttered, not knowing what else to say. Mary's words from the party still rang in my mind every time someone had the decency to mention Alessandro fucking Viconatti.

"I know you're lying."

I shuddered at the memory and the remnants of her dark voice in my ears. She thought she had everything about me pinned down to a tee but I knew things she didn't. Like for one, she thought I was attracted to her demon of a son but in reality, I was just about attracted to him like a rat was attracted to cheese.

That was the sense of sarcasm, guys.

I couldn't really be bothered with her though. I can't change that woman's mind. She is the spawn of Satan after all or maybe, she was Satan herself.

"Are you sure that's a lie?" Gabriel mused as he let out a chuckle. "Your cheeks are awfully red. Is there something I'm missing?" He asked and I shot him a glare. "No, I refuse to answer that question." I folded my arms and poured childishly. "Aw, I'm sure Alessandro has his hands full with a child like you."

Why does he insist on continuing this conversation?

"You know damn well Alessandro and I don't have a thing," He raised a brow and snorted at me. "Why do you think we do?" I asked, wanting to get down to the bottom of the situation.

"Because the same day he brought you in here to meet me, he gave you a look." He began and I narrowed my eyes. "Yeah, that's what it's called when you feast your eyes upon someone." I rolled my eyes and started typing on my computer.

"Shut up, smart ass. I'm not done." Gabe flipped his finger at me and I stuck my tongue out. "The look he gave you was the one I always gave to Ivan." He stated and I motioned for him to get to his point.

"Ooh spooky. He gave me the same look."

Gabe narrowed his eyes at me dangerously. "My point is, it was a look saying, 'I'm in love with you, you dumb ass.' I know that because that's what I felt with Ivan." He smiled softly and I stopped typing abruptly.

"What?" I whispered out, not believing his words. "Alessandro is not in love with me." I let out a laugh but it wasn't filled with humor. "Alessandro has better choices than me." I waved a hand at Gabe and he looked at me like he didn't believe a word I just said.

"Believe what you may, Eli. I know when a man is in love and I know for sure Alessandro Viconatti is in love with you. You may not see it but I do." I shrugged, ignoring him.

He can believe what he wants to believe.

But that kiss we shared was filled with such raw emotion.

I can't deny that I didn't feel any emotion when his lips touched mine. He had poured everything he had into that kiss and I felt it all.

I don't know if I ever felt love because that was something I've never experienced before. Love didn't come to me that easily so for Gabe to say that, it's a little funny and unbelievable. Also, Alessandro wasn't the type of man to express love. He only knew hate and how to portray it. He didn't know the concept of love or at least, that's what I thought.

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