Chapter 6 - "Your parents must be really proud."

Start from the beginning

"Likewise. I'll let you get to your flight," Sebastian said.

"Enjoy Paris. Happy Thanksgiving," Amelia said.

"Happy Thanksgiving," Sebastian said.

He gave a nod and walked away, Jones fell into step behind him. Amelia and Charlie watched his figure until it was absorbed into the mass of people.

"Come on. Home we go," Charlie said.


Amelia followed Charlie off the plane and smiled at the attentive stewardess who was still gazing after Charlie. They lead the group of departing passengers to baggage claim. They walked up to a stout man in a black suit and hat, holding a sign with their names on it.

"Hello Albert," Charlie said, casually.

"Good afternoon sir, miss. Luggage?"

They both shook their heads. Albert directed them outside and into a waiting town car. The sky was overcast, dark with gloomy clouds. The air was chilled with mist. As they pulled out of the airport, small rain drops formed small rivers down the window and danced on the roof, tapping out an uneven beat. Amelia leaned her head against the back of her seat, her eyes trained on the quickly moving scenery, staying silent through the drive.

As they crossed the bridge to the other side of the city, Amelia was hit with memories. Her mind flashed back to when she had been fourteen making this trip without her parents.

Her grandmother's soft, supportive hand holding her shoulder as they left the airport. It had been Amelia's third time in London.

The city had felt too big, too strange. The sky had been a brilliant white blue and the color seemed unnatural at the time. She had felt numb as her grandparents showed them around the spacious manor, finally showing her the room that they said was now hers.

The four poster bed with its soft cream duvet comforter was too large. The warm gold, creams and light blues of the room feeling cold in the bright light from the lawn facing windows. Amelia had moved dumbly around the room while her grandparents watched anxiously, their hearts aching. Her hands had drifted over each piece of furniture, not registering what she was doing or touching. She had moved to the tall, narrow windows, peering out onto a wide lawn with a lake, the backyard that wasn't her backyard.

She remembered that night, huddled in the claustrophobic folds of her blankets, crying at the unfamiliarity of it all, longing to be home. Her door had squeaked open, letting in a small shaft of light that was soon blocked by a figure. Charlie sat on the edge of her bed and she instinctively wrapped her arms around him. He was the only solid thing in the nightmare she was in. They had clung to each other in the dark, the weight of their loss less heavy with each other.

Amelia blinked at her reflection, coming out of her reverie. The car tires crunched on the gravel drive and the tall stone manor came into view as they rounded the fountain. Steps ascended to a wide patio, that wrapped around the house, thick ivy crawling its way up the sides. The front French doors were swung open and Amelia's grandmother rushed out.

She was a tall, thin woman with short white hair that curved in on her soft, youthful face. Her eyes smiled behind her rimless glasses and her laugh lines widened as she saw Amelia's face.

"Oh lovey it's so good to have you home," Eleanor said, holding onto Amelia.

Pulling away, she studied Amelia at arms length.

"You need something to eat and a good pot of tea," she said.

Charlie's shoes shuffled over the small pebbles as he moved to Amelia's side.

"Charles!" Eleanor said, reaching up to embrace him.

He bent over his grandmother, his long arms encircling her small frame.

"Come, both of you are in need of food and tea," she repeated. "I'll send Timothy out for the luggage."


The late afternoon slipped silently into evening by the time tea with their grandmother had ended. The table had been cleared of all the food and the tea pot had been replenished twice. They sat laughing and feeling at home when their grandfather had called out hello. He had peered around the doorway smiling.

"I though I heard the strange sounds of a couple of Americans," he laughed.

Amelia was the first to stand and hug her broad shouldered grandfather, his trim beard tinkling her face as he kissed her cheek.

"You look more and more like your mother each time I see you," he said, his bass voice warm with affection.

Amelia smiled up at him. Charlie pushed her gently aside and hugged him.

"Charles, beware how you smile at girls, you're likely to break their hearts," Harry joked.

"Too late," Amelia muttered.

They all moved to the dining room and spent the rest of the evening talking and eating, the lights of the candles growing brighter as the light outside faded into a starless night.


Amelia stumbled through pulling on her pajama shorts and a worn t-shirt, leaving her discarded clothes littered on the floor. She crawled under the thick covers as she heard a tap on her door. Light pooled on her floor as Charlie stepped in and noiselessly closed the door. Amelia sat up and scooted over to make room for him. He settled in beside her. Peaceful silence filled the room, broken only by their quiet breathing.

"How are you doing?" he asked.

"Alright," she said. "I feel like these past few weeks they have felt so much closer than before. For the first time I feel like I'm really doing something they would be proud of and... I can't tell them."

"I'm sorry Aims," Charlie said. "I know that they would be incredibly proud of you."

"Thanks Charlie," she said, giving him a tired smile.

They let silence engulf them again, no words needed, only the presence of each other. Charlie eventually wrapped his arms around Amelia and hugged her tightly before letting go.

"I'll let you get some sleep. Night Aims."

He slid off the bed and walked to the door.

"Night Charlie. Sleep well."

Amelia's head fell to the pillow and she was fast asleep by the time the door clicked shut.



So I find this kind of funny that I casted the two British actors as Americans and the a two non-British actors as Americans. What a crazy world this is!

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