The guy spoke back, "Just because he is a celebrity dont mean he can just do what he wants." He spoke about me as if I wasnt being plumeted just below him. I bit my bottom lip and grabbed him by his belt buckle and snatched him into the now crammed bathroom. I closed the door and said, "Pull your dick out and shut up."

He laughed, "i-i have a girl--" I unbuckled his belt and said, "Im a celebrity, I can do what I want...and who ever gets to say X pop start sensation sucked my dick while being fucked by his husband of 5 hours. No one."

13 Hours Later...

"I dont wanna try it. It looks nasty." I whined as we sat in a restaurant in Paris called Bella and Timothy was trying to feed me a Oyster. He picked up the hot sauce and pour it over the slug and said, "Look all you do is put it your lips and suck it up. You are a master of that skill." I nudged him and made a compromise.

"Okay...if I eat this nasty shit. You have to...streak out of the restaurant naked back to the car." His eyes grew big as if he was pondering something and he said, "Fine. Now try it." I grabbed the shell and took a deep breath and before I slurped it...I had felt a tap on the shoulder. Once I turned around 3 teens all had to be about 17 or 18 screamed. All Gay ofcourse.

The taller one said, "Oh mi god. It is him. Can we please take a picture for Snapchat." I laughed and crowded them around and we all smiled. They thanked me and walked away. As I picked back up the oyster and slurped it without much thought...the slug slid down my throat and I was two second away from throwing up. Timothy laughed and said, "See isnt that bad. Its a boat dock my parents use to take me to. Right off Maide Beach. It was something about the way it smelled made me feel so good in the inside. Thats where I want to be--" He looked over at me as I finally took a sip of Patron Magarita to wash down the taste.

"Want to be for what?" I asked. He grabbed hold of my hand and said, "Once I pass. I want to be cremated and I want you and Rolly-" Rolly is his bestfriend. "To take my ashes and dump them in the lake." He took a deep breath as water filled his eyes and he jumped up and said, "Give me a minute." He walked off into the restroom and I sat there at the table. Every bone in my body wanted to ge up and follow, but I couldnt muster up enough strength to go. He has been doing good playing it off as if he isnt going to affect him and it finally hit him I think. I licked my lips and picked up my phone. After about 15 Minutes later, I had finally stood up and walked over to the bathroom and the male bathroom was lock. I knocked on it and I heard him to a huge inhale and say, "Its closed."

"Tim, its me." I said. I heard his shoes walk over and the door open. His eyes was red and I walked in and locked the door behind me.

"You okay?" I asked. He shot me a look and snapped, "No! And you shouldnt be either. We wont get to spend even a year together before I fucking die." Tim ran over and punched the wall making a huge hole in it. I walked over and cried out, "Stop!" He turned to me and I snapped again, "Stop. If you choose to let this take over your mind it will eat you up. We are here for fun and for the thrill. Yea, its fucked up that I finally find a real man and not some little boy just looking for a fuck. Timothy but one thing for sure, and two things for certain you lived a full life. A life people way pass your age wish to have." I grabbed hold of his hand and he scoffed before confessing, "X, im scared." We hugged eachother tightly and he cried out, "Im scared shitless." I pursed my lips as tears fell from my face slowly yet surely. Its always the good ones. Meeting him a few months ago off of chance started a ripple effect of all of this and I wont take it back for nothing. He had taught me how to love myself and forget about others opinion. After I blamed myself for a long time for what happened to Deejay and even though he never frankly said it to me...I felt like it was all on me. My whorish ways changed the direction of his entire life. And now I meet this gentleman that has showed me that a mistake dont define me and now its almost to an end and we are going to live it up.

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